The Amateur Championship

Quick Quotes

Thursday, 22 June 2023

Tobias Jonsson

Q. You've made it through to the quarterfinals of the Amateur Championship. You must be very proud.

TOBIAS JONSSON: Yeah, very proud. I've had some good days out there, so yeah, good.

Q. What's made them so good?

TOBIAS JONSSON: The weather has been awesome. The golf course is fantastic. I really like the back nine here on the Hillside. It's been great.

Q. That was a tough battle that you just had out there with Josh Greer of Australia. He really made you work for the win. Is that how you felt?

TOBIAS JONSSON: Yeah, yeah. A little bit more wind this afternoon than this morning. You need to hit some lower shots and some that work against the wind. It was a tough round today.

Q. What was particularly working well for you today?

TOBIAS JONSSON: I don't know. My irons were pretty decent. But it's hard to -- when it's a lot of wind. My putting wasn't great.

But I hit it pretty close a lot of times.

Q. You've had a pretty good season at college this year. You've had four wins. Did you feel like you were bringing some momentum and confidence into this championship?

TOBIAS JONSSON: Yeah, yeah, of course. I've been playing well this semester and this year in the U.S.

I got the invite to the Scandinavian Mixed last week, and that gave me some confidence, as well.

Q. Playing in the Scandinavian Mixed with the pros, is there anything that you learned from last week that you've brought into this week?

TOBIAS JONSSON: Of course I learned a lot of things, but it's nothing like that helped me game today. It's totally different when it's match play versus stroke play.

Q. Is match play a format that you enjoy?

TOBIAS JONSSON: Yeah, I love it. When I play with my friends back home, I always play match play. It's super fun.

Q. Are you feeling confident heading into your matches tomorrow?

TOBIAS JONSSON: Yeah, I do. It's going to be fun.

Q. There's obviously a lot on Aldrich being the champion. Is it hard at this point to not think about that?

TOBIAS JONSSON: Of course I think about that. It's like a dream to win this tournament. So yeah, let's see.

Q. I've got a few quick questions for our commentators. What's your natural shot shape?

TOBIAS JONSSON: This is funny. I've played draw my whole life except when we started to play this match play. I changed two days ago.

Q. Did you do that on purpose?

TOBIAS JONSSON: Yeah. In stroke play I missed both ways. Now I started to hit fade and I miss only right. Now it's good.

Q. Which probably answers one of my other questions: What's your natural miss?

TOBIAS JONSSON: Now it's right. It's been left. It's a little bit different.

Q. What's your favorite club?

TOBIAS JONSSON: Probably my 8-iron. That's the club I practice with when I stay on the range a lot. I would say 8-iron.

Q. What's your favorite yardage for your wedges?

TOBIAS JONSSON: 55 meters and 70 meters.

Q. What's the biggest strength of your game?

TOBIAS JONSSON: Short game I would say. Putting.

Q. Perfect for a links course.


Q. What three or four holes out here suit your eye? What ones do you really like?

TOBIAS JONSSON: I would say the whole back nine. But hole 10 is a great hole. 13, 14 is good holes with the views over the ocean and all that.

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