Q. Cold, Wendy, pretty tough test. You must be pretty happy.
BOB VAN DER VOORT: Agree, I played well. I made a few mistakes, only two I think. Got away with one and the rest was just very good. Very windy conditions.
Got an early tee time. When I got here it was still windy, so I was hoping for a bit better weather. But in the end, I'm very happy and played some good golf. So on to tomorrow.
Q. Pretty eventful round, two eagles. That's quite a rarity.
BOB VAN DER VOORT: It was actually a mistake. I had 5.
Q. How did you get that one?
BOB VAN DER VOORT: Good drive. Just launched like a 6-iron in the air hoping it would stop and it did, actually. One putt from 20 metres. That's always nice.
Q. And as you said you tried to keep the mistakes to a minimum. Is that the key, the strategy, try to keep it on the straight and narrow?
BOB VAN DER VOORT: I think it's just hitting fairways on this course. Even though you've hitting from the fairway gives so much control instead of the rough which you need on courses like this.
So just off the tee played very conservative, and if you hit it well, you can sometimes push a little more. It's mainly hitting fairways and the greens will come after that.
Q. Your record in links golf, I know you had a decent result at the Scottish Stroke Play at Muirfield. Is links golf something that's up your street or is it still a learning process?
BOB VAN DER VOORT: Yeah, I think I like it pretty much. We had like a few links courses in Holland. I used to play very good at those courses. Played good at Muirfield. Proper good course, and last week was not my week. Played bad on St Andrews Links. That's links golf. If you're not hitting well, then you won't shoot a good score.
Q. Did you miss the cut?
BOB VAN DER VOORT: Yeah. Pretty badly.
Q. Coming in trying to forget that?
BOB VAN DER VOORT: Yeah, got back to Holland. Got a quick lesson in which helped pretty good. Hitting the ball good in the practice round gives good confidence as well. You can just fire.
Q. A couple of Dutchmen have won. Is Reinier here?
BOB VAN DER VOORT: Yeah, he's here as a coach. I don't know where he is now but he'll probably be texting the guys.
Q. Is he working with the Dutch National team?
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