The Amateur Championship

Quick Quotes

Monday, 17 June 2024

Michael Alexander Mjaaseth

Q. 67, pretty happy with that on a tough day?

MICHAEL ALEXANDER MJAASETH: Yeah, it was a tough day. Played solid. Got lucky with the weather. We thought it was going to pour down when we looked at the forecast, but it turned out to be pretty nice. Obviously the wind was up all day which made is quite tricky and crosswind on a lot of the holes. I kept the ball in play. Finished with a solid back nine.

Q. Have you picked up most of your shots on the back nine? Was there a turning point?

MICHAEL ALEXANDER MJAASETH: I would say there was a turning point. I started kind of slow and didn't hit any good shots but kind of got away with it. Hit a really good second shot on 9, which I didn't convert it to a birdie, but it was good for my confidence. I feel like that was a turning point.

Q. What was the pick of the birdies? There was a few coming home. Was there one that stood out?

MICHAEL ALEXANDER MJAASETH: I made some nice putts. I made a nice putt on 10 up the ridge. That was a bonus. Made a nice putt on 17. Other than that, it was kind of stress-free.

Q. Stress-free. How many times have you played in the Amateur Championship?


Q. What's your best?

MICHAEL ALEXANDER MJAASETH: This is not my tournament based on results but I made the cut last year. Won my first match and lost the second match. I have something to prove in this championship.

Q. You've got a great record, European Young Masters and you've won French titles.

MICHAEL ALEXANDER MJAASETH: I've had a nice junior career and just started college. Finished my second year in the U.S. I enjoy playing the summer events, and The R&A puts on great championships.

Q. The Eisenhower Trophy was a huge Silver Medal. Massive result against a star-studded American Team in some senses.

MICHAEL ALEXANDER MJAASETH: Yeah, we fell short. It was a cool experience.

Q. Big confidence boost? Did you take a lot from that week as well?

MICHAEL ALEXANDER MJAASETH: Knowing that you can perform against the best amateurs in the world is always cool. But yeah, playing in the U.S., you really meet the best all the time. Builds confidence over time.

Q. I'm assuming Viktor is a star for you, a trailblazer? Is he one of the young men -- he's probably not that older. Amazing what he's achieved.

MICHAEL ALEXANDER MJAASETH: Viktor is a good friend and mentor. He's a great guy. I learned a lot from him.

Q. Have you known him for quite a while?

MICHAEL ALEXANDER MJAASETH: Known him for quite a while. He shares a lot of his thoughts and is a great friend.

Q. How was that friendship formed?

MICHAEL ALEXANDER MJAASETH: The Norwegian golf community, it's small and everyone knows everyone. But he's a great -- he puts a lot of his time into developing younger players coming up behind. He's doing a good job with that and he's got a passion for it.

Q. Shows what can be done from a country like Norway, for somebody like that to be at the top of the game really. Michael Alexander, is there any Scots in there, or not?


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145392-2-1147 2024-06-17 17:36:00 GMT

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