Q. Max, first match in the books and won. You must be happy with that?
MAX KENNEDY: Yeah, extremely happy. It was kind of -- I played really good. Playing really solidly. Didn't do a whole lot wrong. It was a free-flowing kind of round.
Q. Heard you were bogey-free until possibly the 15th, that must give you some good feelings as well?
MAX KENNEDY: Yeah, my short game was really sharp today. Even on 15 I hit a good chip and just missed a 5-footer. I wasn't too disappointed with that, but overall, as I said, I played really, really well.
Q. It looked like a convincing win on the leaderboard but is that how it felt out there? What was the match like?
MAX KENNEDY: No, it never feels like that, even if you're 6- or 7-up, you've still got to get the job done. I tried to keep that mentality going down the stretch. It was not an easy win.
Q. What was a pivotal moment or highlight in the match for you?
MAX KENNEDY: 9 and 10, I got up-and-down from really tough bunker shots. I hit them to within gimmie range. So both of them holes just gave me really nice momentum going into the back nine which I was able to capitalise on.
Q. Potentially holding hopes of a nation on your shoulders now, is that a nice motivation?
MAX KENNEDY: Yeah, 100 per cent. 100 per cent. I'd love to win in Ireland. That would be pretty cool.
Q. A long way to go, though, so what is key to surviving The Amateur Championship week?
MAX KENNEDY: Just keeping it one match at a time. Not getting ahead of yourself. Just focusing on every shot. That's really it. That's what you've got to stick to this week.
FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports