Women’s Amateur Championship

Quick Quotes

Monday, 20 June 2022

Emilie Alba Paltrinieri

Q. How nice was that to get the birdie on the last to get to 4-under?

EMILIE ALBA PALTRINIERI: It was very nice. I wasn't really trying to make a birdie. I just went with my game plan. I had a good approach and I made an outstanding putt which was very nice.

Q. Was that 4-under, today, 69 in those conditions, was it not quite windy and challenging?

EMILIE ALBA PALTRINIERI: Yeah, it was windy, and I know that this is not the usual wind. So the wind was mainly cross the entire day, front and back. So it was windy but I had a good practice round yesterday. There are some places where you can and cannot miss, and I just putted so well.

Q. Are ou continuing some recent good form? How has your recent form been?

EMILIE ALBA PALTRINIERI: It's been a little up and down. I've had some good rounds and then some not so good rounds mainly because of my tee shots. My short game has always been pretty good, and that was the case today.

Q. Looking back, you reached the semifinals here in 2020. Does that spur you on to try and win it this week?

EMILIE ALBA PALTRINIERI: Yeah, again, it's a super-long tournament. It's one of the longest tournaments. I'm just going to take it day-by-day, and we'll see.

Q. Must be nice to be back after all the COVID problems?

EMILIE ALBA PALTRINIERI: Yeah, it's very nice to see some familiar faces and just talking to some girls during the round.

Q. You won the Girls' in 2016. So you know how to win R&A events. Was that a special win in 2016?

EMILIE ALBA PALTRINIERI: Yeah, honestly, I was little, I think I was 14, turning 15. It was unexpected. But I play in R&A events every year, so it has given me some good experience in the wind and on links courses, so that's an advantage. But we'll see.

Q. How old are you now?


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