Women’s Amateur Championship

Quick Quotes

Monday, 20 June 2022

Alessandra Fanali

Q. First of all, how pleased were you with your performance today?

ALESSANDRA FANALI: Actually pretty happy about my performance today. I was not very excited to play in the afternoon and with a lot of wind but I just tried to be patient and go shot-by-shot, so it went very well. I dropped a couple of putts from pretty far, so that was good and helped.

Q. You had an eagle in amongst that. Tell us about that.

ALESSANDRA FANALI: Yeah, I had a very cute eagle. I hit a driver and a very easy 9-iron putting from like two meters. So it was pretty close, very easy, yeah.

Q. You talked about the weather conditions. Was it difficult to play there or did it become more used to it as the round went on?

ALESSANDRA FANALI: I think it was difficult on the front side. I feel like the front side is tough compared to the back side and with this wind today, the first six holes were tough. So then it got better for sure.

Q. Are you looking forward to tomorrow as of the same for you tomorrow, just looking to shoot a nice score again?

ALESSANDRA FANALI: Yeah, I just want to make the cut, play very good, and go to match play, so I think today helped to be a little bit more relaxed tomorrow. But still, I have to be pretty focused, yeah.

Q. In terms of links golf, is it something you played a lot or is this new to you, links golf?

ALESSANDRA FANALI: Links golf, I actually played a lot of British Ams in the past probably six years. We were playing European teams in links golf, too, so that's pretty good. I like links golf.

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121918-1-1003 2022-06-20 17:22:00 GMT

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