Women’s Amateur Championship

Quick Quotes

Tuesday, 21 June 2022

Abbie Teasdale

Q. So what's your experience been like this week, being here and being part of an international field?

ABBIE TEASDALE: It's different because in the practise round, I played with Hannah Darling and Annabell Fuller, so it was a bit weird playing against some of the top people in the world. I find that being here, there's a lot of competition. The events are bigger and the rankings are better, so it's very different.

Q. Is this the first time you've played this?

ABBIE TEASDALE: Yeah, first time I've been here.

Q. In the U.K.?

ABBIE TEASDALE: Well, I moved from the U.K. when I was four and I haven't been back since until now.

Q. Obviously with all the COVID challenges?

ABBIE TEASDALE: Yeah, there was two years where I couldn't play any competition, so my World Ranking dropped almost a thousand spots. So that's why I chose to come here this year. Just sick of all the lockdowns and stuff.

Q. Probably quite the same for a lot of international players.

ABBIE TEASDALE: Because I was from WA (Western Australia), we were the only state that wasn't opening, so it was very difficult. Because the other girls were playing, and then WA was locked down.

Q. How difficult has it been to keep your golf game competitive when you've had those issues over the last couple years?

ABBIE TEASDALE: A bit difficult because I did lose a lot of, what's the word, passion for the game because we just couldn't play. So, yeah, I kind of got a bit bored of practising after awhile, and so it's been a bit difficult.

But now I'm finally playing again and I'm starting to like it a lot more.

Q. How do you find the test this week?

ABBIE TEASDALE: The weather's been good, but it's very different to WA. I've never played on a links course until I've been here.

Q. Well, you've done well. Hopefully you've made it with that score.

ABBIE TEASDALE: Disappointed with the finish. On 17, I went left on my second shot and fluffed the third because I was in like the thick rough, and then on the green, 2-putt.

Q. So what would it mean to you to reach that 64 match play and have a real crack at it tomorrow?

ABBIE TEASDALE: Well, that was the main goal, so it would mean a lot.

Q. And what is your age?

ABBIE TEASDALE: 19. My home club is Royal Fremantle.

Q. Quite a decent track?

ABBIE TEASDALE: Yeah, Minjee and Min Woo are there.

Q. Do you know them at all?

ABBIE TEASDALE: Yeah, played with Minjee before I came here, and Hannah Green as well.

Q. Pretty inspired by what these Australians are doing?

ABBIE TEASDALE: Very. We have the same coach, so it works out well, as well. We always get to like see each other and everything.

Q. I take it you're driven by trying to reach those levels at some point in your career?


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121931-2-1003 2022-06-21 15:39:00 GMT

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