Women’s Amateur Championship

Quick Quotes

Wednesday, 22 June 2022

Hannah Darling

Q. Well done, last 32, bit of a struggle, was it?

HANNAH DARLING: Yeah, it was an eventful round with a few things happening here and there, which was almost hard to kind of cope with at times. But you know, a good game and Izzy, good friend, and get on well with her.

So we had a good round and obviously glad it went in my favour toward the end.

Q. That looked a hard tie, and when she's ahead early, you probably realised that, as well.

HANNAH DARLING: Yeah, well, she's here for a reason. She's a good player. She does what she does well. So you know, it's always tough, and she was rolling in some putts here and there as well and making birdies. Definitely putting pressure on me but then it came towards the end and started making some birdies at the turn.

Q. Biggest achievement in your career so far?

HANNAH DARLING: I guess, somewhat, but at the end of the day, when you're down you know you can pull something out of the bag. So thankfully a few putts kind of dropped towards the end.

Yeah, I guess every experience I've had so far is going to help me and that proves today.

Q. Last 32, Lindblad through, five Italians through, quite a lot of competition in there, but you're right up there for the fight?

HANNAH DARLING: Yeah, I wouldn't be here if I wasn't. So excited for what the rest of the week has to hold.

Q. How special would it be, as we've talked about this week already, to win this?

HANNAH DARLING: Yeah, it would be amazing. Again, it would be great but at the end of the day, take one step at a time and see if it happens, it happens. But I'm pleased with what I'm doing right now.

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