Q. Congratulations, you've made it to the quarterfinals in the Women's Amateur Championship 5&4 victory there. Tell us a wee bit about the highlights?
KELSEY BENNETT: I'm playing pretty solid. I got up early which I was pretty happy about and just made some good putts for some pars to scare some holes and just managed to not let her get any back and just kept keeping at it.
Q. You defeated one of the top-ranked players this morning, Annabell Fuller. How much do you know about her going into the match and how good was it to get the win there?
KELSEY BENNETT: That was pretty special. I didn't really know too much about her. I haven't heard of her before. It was good; I think just had my own mindset, and just went out and played my own game, so it was nice.
Q. This is your first time in England, what do you think about Hunstanton?
KELSEY BENNETT: It's good. I like it. The course has been very generous with the weather. So I'm looking it at the moment, but if the weather turns I might say something different.
No, it's been really good. Great course. And all the members here are unbelievable, like all the spotters and volunteers out there helping us are amazing.
Q. Obviously you've got your nan out there. Can you briefly tell us the story how your nan is here and what yous are up to and what the sort of gals-on-the-road road trip, how that's going?
KELSEY BENNETT: Yeah, so Nan decided to come here with me. She hasn't been here in 40 years. So we decided to come out, and she's been following me around which has been really, really nice.
Q. And she's enjoying the trip?
KELSEY BENNETT: She is, yeah.
Q. Is she a hard stickler for a win? Would she come and give you a hug if you didn't get in?
KELSEY BENNETT: Yeah, absolutely, she's very supportive, and all my team back home are great. Mum is still awake at one o'clock in the morning, so it's nice.
Q. So you'll be playing in the quarterfinals. It will be streamed live and the people back home will be able to watch. How exciting is that?
KELSEY BENNETT: Yeah, it's exciting. I can't wait to get out there and do some damage.
Q. You were the runner-up at WAAP this year, so obviously have a love with R&A events. What's your sort of career trajectory been like since Abu Dhabi?
KELSEY BENNETT: It's been good. I've had a good summer season in Australia. Haven't missed any cuts. It's been quite nice. Good, steady golf leading up to this.
Q. Going into tomorrow, have you got a game plan for tomorrow's match?
KELSEY BENNETT: Pretty similar to what I've been doing. Just nice tempo and the couple of holes I've lost my tempo got a bit off. Keeping the tempo and holing some more putts.
FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports