Women’s Amateur Championship

Quick Quotes

Thursday, 23 June 2022

Carla Bernat

Q. All smiles after an amazing day, 6&5 this morning and then on the final hole today, how are you feeling? You must be tired?

CARLA BERNAT: Yeah, I'm so tired. I was fighting a lot. I'm really, really happy. The girl that played with me, she played really well the last nine holes.

Q. You were on top for most of that game this afternoon. What was the pressure like on the last hole?

CARLA BERNAT: It was hard because I'm not going to lie, I was thinking about that. I was like, I've been playing better than her, and I was like, I need to finish strong. I mean, I did.

Q. And to have all your Spanish teammates there on the sidelines watching on that, must help as well?

CARLA BERNAT: Yeah, they were cheering for me like a lot, Spanish, screaming.

Q. This is your first time at the Women's Amateur Championship. You've played the Girls' before. How does it feel to be in the quarterfinals tomorrow and on the broadcast tomorrow live, your first time?

CARLA BERNAT: I'm real excited. It's awesome. This tournament, I really like it. I never played -- I played something like this, but course is just amazing.

Q. And who will be watching at home once you tell them that it's live coverage tomorrow? Do you have family that will be tuning in?

CARLA BERNAT: Yeah, my family from Spain. They are going to be watching it for sure.

Q. Let's touch on this morning, a 6&5 win, you must be in a nice bit of form to produce a result like that.

CARLA BERNAT: I played really, really good. I mean, my opponent, she was like struggling a little bit in the first nine, but the nine back, she played really, really good.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
121993-1-1003 2022-06-23 16:42:00 GMT

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