Women’s Amateur Championship

Quick Quotes

Thursday, 23 June 2022

Emilie Paltrinieri

Q. Another chance to talk to us. You must be really satisfied, I good few days and you're into the quarterfinals?

EMILIE PALTRINIERI: Yeah, I'm excited. I'm satisfied with my game and just with my attitude on the course. I was very patient and I knew it was a long day, and it's still a long tournament, so I'm just going to keep with this rhythm and I'll see what's up next.

Q. You mentioned it's a long tournament, there's though doubt about it. How do you survive such a big week in golf?

EMILIE PALTRINIERI: Just being fueled very well throughout the week. Eating a lot on the course constantly and just trying to maintain your energy and not waste energy, maybe by missing some shots. Just trying to be as steady as possible.

Q. The art of match play, you seem to have a grip on it, and you look, oh, so calm out there.

EMILIE PALTRINIERI: Yeah, I like match play. Like I said yesterday, you never know until the end. I think just being steady is the key.

Q. You've played in a lot of R&A championships and you've become so used to this. What would it mean to keep going and be talking to us tomorrow knowing you might be in a final?

EMILIE PALTRINIERI: It would be very exciting. I've never played a final here at Women's Am. I would be so happy. So, we'll see.

Q. And also exciting that the broadcast is live with all the quarterfinals tomorrow as well, something new with the R&A, must be cool to know that people at home will be watching as well?

EMILIE PALTRINIERI: Yeah, I have to tell them to tune in, and I'll just feel their support on the course, so that's cool.

Q. We've seen a lot of blue this week, you and your teammates have all played tremendously well. What's going on with Italy golf in the moment? What's in the water?

EMILIE PALTRINIERI: Yeah, our coaches from the national team even flew over to the United States and they followed us during the season, so that was nice. They always support us. They are great. They do so many sacrifices for us. They are always helping us. It's a big difference.

Q. And you must like this golf course. How is it today? A lot of wind, but you must be getting used to it by now?

EMILIE PALTRINIERI: Yeah, the afternoon was windier for sure. I had to adjust the first few holes. It was into the wind, so hitting a couple of clubs extra and just trying to keep a low ball flight. But I mean, I just found my rhythm and I just went with it.

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