Women’s Amateur Championship

Quick Quotes

Thursday, 23 June 2022

Alessandra Fanali

Q. Welcome back to the hot seat, all smiles after a big day at the golf. You must be satisfied with your efforts?

ALESSANDRA FANALI: Yeah, I'm very excited about tomorrow. I'm super satisfied about today. I was actually 4-up on 15, 14, and I thought I could win earlier but still pretty good, so I'm excited.

Q. Not too stressful, finishing relatively earlier makes the week go a lot easier?

ALESSANDRA FANALI: Yesterday I finished on the 19th hole, so it was a bit stressful. But yeah, it got a little bit easier today. My putting came back a little bit, so that helped.

Q. What has been the strength of your game in windy conditions and a tough links golf course?

ALESSANDRA FANALI: I think my long game is pretty good. My putting is pretty good in the qualifying rounds, not these past two days but it's coming back. Everything is pretty much on the same level.

Q. We spoke earlier in the week. You had some great success at home last week. How awesome is it to be continuing that form at the Amateur?

ALESSANDRA FANALI: It's nice. I don't know, I'm just happy -- I haven't played good in the past five months but since March everything went through better. I'm feeling better. It's nice to be playing good golf now.

Q. We just spoke to Emilie Alba another Italian through to the knockouts. Must be nice to see not only you two, but everyone performing well?

ALESSANDRA FANALI: Yeah, this morning we had five girls playing in the match play. It's awesome. I'm excited for her, too, and we'll see what's going to happen tomorrow.

Q. Can you tell us anything?

ALESSANDRA FANALI: I hope we both win and then we play tomorrow -- actually, Saturday morning, but yeah, you never know.

Q. What would it mean for you in your career if you were able to not only get through tomorrow but to be in the final on Saturday?

ALESSANDRA FANALI: That would be awesome. I mean, it would be nice. It's like a major champion(ship) for us, it would be good, especially going into my professional career to be able to play three majors next year, so that would nice.

Q. We spoke about the live broadcast; everyone around the world is going to be able to watch it for free. How awesome is that for you guys and women's golf?

ALESSANDRA FANALI: That's awesome. I did not know. I'm going to tell my parents right now so they can watch from Italy. It's very good. I'm excited about it.

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