Q. So you're into the final of the Women's Amateur Championship, how does it feel?
JESSICA BAKER: Incredible, absolutely never expected this one bit. So it's just an amazing feeling and just go with it yeah.
Q. Talk about the semifinal against Hannah, a strong competitor, very good player and in control a lot of the match. Did it feel that way?
JESSICA BAKER: Yeah, I think I was just really steady and I really was confident in my game. Just sort of played my own game and sort of compared the scores and just matched her rest of the way.
Q. Did you feel there was a particular point in the match where you felt things were going in your favour and sort of momentum was with you in the match?
JESSICA BAKER: Yeah, definitely. I made eagle on 11, had a lovely 4-iron in, and it was nice to top that one in. Nice to have that momentum boost.
Q. In the quarterfinal this morning, you seemed to cruise through that?
JESSICA BAKER: Yeah, I just played really solid, and I think that good start really helped a lot. Birdied the first two and got a birdie. So I've had that head start from the beginning, so that was really good, yeah.
Q. And you mentioned you've got family supporting you; that must give you encouragement as well.
JESSICA BAKER: Absolutely, my mom is supposed to be home, but she's staying around now. I'm very happy that they are here and it means a lot, yeah.
Q. I believe you're off to try to find a room for the night?
JESSICA BAKER: Yeah, have to find somewhere to go but I'm sure we'll figure it out.
Q. Tomorrow, I know it's going to be a 36-hole final, but have you thought about what it might be like to get your hands on that trophy?
JESSICA BAKER: Maybe if you ask me that in a couple more minutes for it to sink in a bit more. But yeah, I'm just going to go out and enjoy myself tomorrow and whatever it is, it will be.
Q. And will your friends and family be watching on the live broadcast?
JESSICA BAKER: Absolutely, yeah. I think my mom has had text coming through all day. I'm sure there will be lots of people watching.
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