Women’s Amateur Championship

Quick Quotes

Tuesday, 13 June 2023

Hannah Darling

Q. 1-under today to start the Women's Amateur Championship. Are you happy with the round?

HANNAH DARLING: Yeah, pretty happy overall. A few missed opportunity out there and just a few silly mistakes but can't complain. Obviously very happy and going ahead into tomorrow. Got tougher out there. The wind picked up. It was forecast to pick up when we were playing, but some weird bounces and stuff like that. But happy enough.

Q. You mentioned the wind, which is a real key to links golf. How do you find yourself as a wind player?

HANNAH DARLING: Yeah, pretty comfortable. I grew up on it, obviously being from Scotland, so pretty comfortable with it and know how to hit some shots, or try to know how it's going to react.

You're always trying things out there. Don't exactly know how it's going to pay off or how it's going to work. You just try it and see what happens. Yeah, pretty happy.

Q. Obviously this championship is all about the match play but it's very important to make sure that you are there and you've put yourself in a good position. What's the mentality?

HANNAH DARLING: Have some fun. I think you can get very caught up in making the match play, top 64. You can just get wrapped up in it.

I just want to have fun and whatever happens, happens.

Q. Am I correct that you just finished your first year in the States? So what about playing golf in the States or are you coming back here for the summer?

HANNAH DARLING: There we play courses that are as challenging as they get and we are playing the best field out there, all the best amateurs are out there. It's prepared me well. It hasn't prepared me for links golf, but it's prepared me in different ways, just how to deal with certain situations and putting myself in situations as well. It's just hitting shots and learning. It's all about learning about yourself and being comfortable with yourself.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
133902-1-1003 2023-06-13 15:33:00 GMT

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