Women’s Amateur Championship

Quick Quotes

Wednesday, 14 June 2023

Ingrid Lindblad

Q. You played nice golf today, you must be happy with your performance?

INGRID LINDBLAD: On the front nine, it wasn't too close to the pin. I was a little closer today so managed to get one birdie and one bogey on the front and then birdied 10 and then I eagled both 12 and 15, which that helps a lot because I did have a few bogeys. Not too many but a few.

Q. You mentioned those eagles earned you an ice cream, so there's a nice reward not just on the scoreboard but in the cafe after.

INGRID LINDBLAD: Yeah, exactly, so on the Swedish team if someone makes six birdies or makes an eagle we had a deal with the coaches that the whole team gets ice cream.

So on the first putt I was standing over a 12-footer for eagle and I was like, "This is for ice cream, if I make it, we get ice cream tonight."

Q. Well, back to the golf. Talk us through those eagles and each one, what clubs and yardages?

INGRID LINDBLAD: I hit just a driver on 12 down the fairway. That fairway is kind of tricky because you can hit the middle of the fairway and it bounces anywhere I hit the fairway and it was very dry and just catch the ball. I had about 190 meters to the pin and a 5-iron just short of the green and rolled back.

So I had like a 12-footer for eagle and then on 15, I hit driver down the left side and had, I think like 165 metres in. And I was kind of like, cut it a little bit because the wind is blowing like a lot right-to-left and I started too far left. I was like just stay on the green, stay on the green and I come up and it's also 12 feet from the pin. That one I almost didn't get it to the hole. It just dropped. I was like, okay, we're good. Two eagles.

Q. You said is it was an early start today. But you've now got the whole day ahead of you. What do you do to prepare for the match play?

INGRID LINDBLAD: I think I'm going to work out because they have a little gym here, do a little practise but not too much. Take it a little easy this afternoon.

Q. There's a lot of golf to be played, especially for those that go through the final. Is it all about pacing yourself in these early stages?

INGRID LINDBLAD: I think you have to conserve some of the energy. You can't just go all in the first day. You can't stay out here and hit balls. It doesn't work that way. And I played all week last week, too.

So just do what I'm meaning to do and if I'm going to hit ball, just hit focused golf shots and conserve some of the energy but still have fun and work on your game.

Q. Is match play a format that you like where it's just going head-to-head with another player? It's slightly different, isn't it?

INGRID LINDBLAD: Yeah, especially here, like if someone hits a good shot, you just have to hit a good shot, too, and then if someone makes a mistake you can try to take advantage of that. So just, you know, keeping the ball in play out here in match play, that's going to be a big deal.

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133925-3-1147 2023-06-14 15:13:00 GMT

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