Women’s Amateur Championship

Quick Quotes

Wednesday, 14 June 2023

Cayetana Fernandez Garcia-Poggio

Q. Two days of stroke play at the Women's Amateur Championship completed. How would you summarise the first to days?

CAYETANA FERNANDEZ GARCIA-POGGIO: Yesterday was tough. It was pretty windy but I tried to do my best and I made plus one so it was a nice round. Today, I woke up at 5.00am but I just finish and I made a good round. I made the cut, and tomorrow, the match play starts, so it's a different tournament.

Q. Were you happy to see that the conditions were more favourable this morning and not much wind today?

CAYETANA FERNANDEZ GARCIA-POGGIO: Yeah, it's pretty different. You play different courses. I play the first nine holes with no wind, and it was easier. I hope this afternoon doesn't get worse like yesterday.

But yeah, it was more breezy.

Q. And a nice round today. What were the highlights?

CAYETANA FERNANDEZ GARCIA-POGGIO: I don't know, second hole, I just almost made albatross, hit the back and I almost made it but it didn't, so I made a nice eagle. I think that will be like the best shot I made today.

Q. Can you talk us through, how far out were you and what club were you using when you hit the flag?

CAYETANA FERNANDEZ GARCIA-POGGIO: Yeah, I had like 200 to the flag and I hit a 5-wood and I almost made it. I was super excited. My friends were clapping for me.

Q. You've obviously qualified for the match play. Looking forward to the rest of the week, how do you change your mentality when you're going head-to-head?

CAYETANA FERNANDEZ GARCIA-POGGIO: Yeah, when I played this tournament, I just tried to focus on the mental part and then the match play, tomorrow is going to be more aggressive and just thinking like I'm going to practise a little bit today but I'm going to rest because it's a very long tournament and I hope I can make it to the final.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
133926-2-1147 2023-06-14 11:03:00 GMT

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