Q. Hole-in-one today on the 11th at Prince's. Can you talk us through it?
BAILEY SHOEMAKER: Yeah, so that hole is kind of tough because you have to land it like perfectly front edge to get anywhere close. Left is so bad. It's an impossible up-and-down. I was hoping to win that hole. I chose a 9-iron but it's like 135 yards carry front and that's how far I hit it total. He (Father caddying) was just like, "You'd better hit it good, otherwise it's not going to get there."
I hit it perfect. I was yelling at it pretty good, and we saw it go in and I freaked out. It was great, because Jensen Castle saw it too, she was on hole number eight. She's one of our great friends. She was shaking her head laughing at us.
Q. Is that your first hole-in-one in competition?
BAILEY SHOEMAKER: It's my second but it's my only 2 total. It was a big deal for me, and in a big event, too.
Q. And the perfect time to do it, match play, and to win the hole, and you went on to win the match. So that was critical.
BAILEY SHOEMAKER: Yeah, that hole was so important, especially because I only ended up winning 2-up and won on the last hole. That put me, you know, that 1-up that I needed.
Q. Is your dad caddie?
BAILEY SHOEMAKER: Yeah, he's on the bag.
Q. He was excited to see it go in?
BAILEY SHOEMAKER: He was excited but I will say I was by far more excited than anybody. I was so excited. It's been a while since I've had one and I don't have many.
Q. Into the next round of match play, obviously every match is important, and I can see you're having your lunch, so going to go out again this afternoon. What do you do in between?
BAILEY SHOEMAKER: I'm just going to eat here quick and do the same thing I did this morning. Tighten, just same warm up. Just act like I haven't played 18 holes yet.
Just get ready and prepare myself for the next match. The next match is going to be tough.
Q. You're playing Ingrid, world number one coming up. Does that put any extra pressure on you?
BAILEY SHOEMAKER: I'm excited for it. I know last year at the U.S. Women's Am I had a couple bigger names. I'm more excited than anything. It's fun to play someone that good, world number one and test myself and try to push it as best I can.
FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports