Women’s Amateur Championship

Quick Quotes

Thursday, 15 June 2023

Lucy Lin

Q. You've won your first match here at the Women's Amateur Championship in convincing fashion. How are you feeling?

LUCY LIN: Pretty good. It was okay without the wind today. So it was quite easy. I think I just tried to do my best and not really think of the points, and just play my game.

Q. And what do you think you did particularly well today? What part of your game?

LUCY LIN: I think putting. I made quite a lot of, like, medium putts.

Q. Now, you're the youngest player in the field this week. You're only 13 years old, and you've just played the oldest competitor in the field this week at 28 years old. Was it nervous being so young and out there playing against such experienced players?

LUCY LIN: I don't think so. I mean, I played with her for the past two days, so she's really nice and it was really enjoyable, yeah.

Q. Now what do you feel -- you said you played with her for the first two days but we come into match play. Is it a different shift in mentality for you today?

LUCY LIN: Yeah, it was my first time in match play. I was kind of not really knowing what to do but I just tried to play my game.

Q. So this is the first time you've ever played match play?


Q. And you had a really convincing win, so does a format that you now like?

LUCY LIN: Yeah, definitely.

Q. Looking ahead to the rest of the week, matches coming up, what's the plan? Are you going to try and do the same thing or do you learn anything today about match play that you can use for the rest of the week?

LUCY LIN: Yeah, do the same thing. Just try to go shot-by-shot and not really think about the points.

Q. Obviously you say you try not to think about the points but there's a lot of opportunities on offer for the event, including playing in major championships like the AIG Women's Open. Is it hard not to think about that when you're out there?

LUCY LIN: Yeah, it's hard but try to focus on my game and do my best out there.

Q. Was there any hole out there today that you thought was particularly great for you, like a stand-out moment?

LUCY LIN: Not really. I think all of them was pretty good except for one hole which was the 8th hole, I got stuck in the fescue, but that's okay.

Q. And when you won your match in such convincing fashion, how are you feeling?

LUCY LIN: It was definitely great. Playing with a really nice person, and it was definitely a great feeling.

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