Q. We will done to make it through to the match-play stage here at the Women's Amateur Championship. It was a tough couple of days of stroke-play qualifying, wasn't it?
RIANNE MALIXI: Yes, it was. First day was super windy and I just lacked the discipline to settle my target than just commit to it. I made some silly mistakes the first round, and adjusted the second round. Took advantage of the calm weather and less windy conditions.
Q. Were you excited to qualify for the match-play stages?
RIANNE MALIXI: Yes, I was. Played really well today. Had it go in the first few holes. I was 3-up going into 5 or 6 and then doubled 9 and went back to 2-up. Then Sarah won 11 and 12. She won three straight holes on the back nine. Then I made a couple birdies on 16, 17 but couldn't get it. That's okay.
Q. Your birdie putt to extend the match, you went for that.
RIANNE MALIXI: Yeah, one of the good putts today. On the back nine, I just couldn't get putts to drop and then kind of suffered a few holes there. Could have won some but didn't happen. So that's golf.
Q. Is this your first time playing the Women's Amateur Championship?
RIANNE MALIXI: Yes, my first time here, also in the U.K.
Q. Incredible experience this week, isn't it?
RIANNE MALIXI: Yes, our first time playing real links. I've experienced similar ones but not as windy as this one.
Q. What do you feel like you've learned this week?
RIANNE MALIXI: I wasn't feeling well with my swing at all. I just tried to make it work and then yeah, I had it going today despite the uncomfortable situation going on.
But yeah, I think the way I carried myself today, I was proud of myself. Tried to make things work, and yeah, I put on a big fight there.
FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports