Women’s Amateur Championship

Quick Quotes

Friday, 16 June 2023

Jeneath Wong

Q. You made it to the top 32 players here at the Women's Amateur Championship, unfortunately not progressing to this afternoon's matches, but how happy with your performance this week have you been?

JENEATH WONG: I'm actually pretty happy. I started off with like 7-over, so that was in the top 100 or something, and I wasn't thinking that I would make the cut or anything, but I made the cut and managed to come top 32, so that's pretty good.

Q. Not pretty good, it is very good. So you had some successful matches yesterday. Today's match didn't quite go your way but it was a good match. You were leading at some stages, as well.

JENEATH WONG: Yeah, I didn't have enough birdies today. I just kind of played par, so didn't really help. My opponent had a lot of birdies and an eagle but I played pretty well, just wasn't enough today.

Q. This is your first experience playing the Women's Amateur Championship. When you look back on the week, what will your lasting memory be?

JENEATH WONG: Just how good the weather is here. I was imagining really windy, raining and even really cold, but it's actually really nice here.

Q. I don't think you should continue to expect that in the U.K. What have you learned this week that you can take into your future?

JENEATH WONG: Just playing different shots in the wind. This wind is either left or right. It's not really into or downwind, so just playing different shots to accommodate the win.

Q. Is this a championship that you would want to come back to again in the future?

JENEATH WONG: Definitely.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
133987-2-1147 2023-06-16 11:17:00 GMT

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