Women’s Amateur Championship

Quick Quotes

Friday, 16 June 2023

Elin Pudas Remler

Q. Through to the quarter finals at The Women's Amateur Championship. You must be happy with your progress so far.

ELIN PUDAS REMLER: Yes, I am. It has been great. Like good golf. Just some brief resistance out there. So, yeah, it has been good.

Q. A tough match for you this afternoon. You took it all the way to the 19th hole. Talk to us about how it went out there.

ELIN PUDAS REMLER: Yeah, it was, I think we both played well, tee to green. We both were near the hole with all the putts. So kind of scary seeing all those putts lip out. But I think we both did great out there.

Q. The Swedish girls are all doing so well at this championship. What's your secret?

ELIN PUDAS REMLER: I think we're just like practicing a lot, like a lot (laughing.) That's our secret, I would say.

Q. Now tell me a little bit about your background. When did you start playing golf?

ELIN PUDAS REMLER: I think I played golf all my life. My dad always played golf, so we were like hanging out there. But I was doing more of cart wheels than playing golf when I was younger. So that was nice. And then I just continued playing golf thinking it was more fun, getting more competitive. Kind of like that. And here I am.

Q. I'm guessing that you can beat dad now?


Q. How old were you when you first started beating dad?

ELIN PUDAS REMLER: I think maybe like three or four years ago. So what is that? 14, 15. He's quite good, so, yeah.

Q. Very good. Now, who would you say your biggest influence and inspiration for your golf has been?

ELIN PUDAS REMLER: I would say all my friends actually. I go to kind of like an athletic learning high school and I have a lot of good friends there. I think they kind of inspire me every day and make me better. So I would say that.

Q. Swedish, Sweden has an incredible amount of talented female golfers. Anna Nordqvist, Linn Grant. Do you look up to them as well?

ELIN PUDAS REMLER: I do. They are incredible, talented, practice a lot. And it's good to see them being at home and kind of reaching out to them when they are home. So it's good to have an inspiration. It's a close kind of cooperation.

Q. So you said that you reach out to them when they're home. Who in particular and do they, do you play with them or do they give you any advice?

ELIN PUDAS REMLER: So we have the same coaches. So I kind of see them when they're home, because they have like coaching time with my coach. So we are kind of like at the same place. We are always like free to ask them if we wonder anything or just to reach out to them. So, yeah.

Q. You say them, do you mean Linn and Anna?

ELIN PUDAS REMLER: Linn (Grant), Maja (Stark), Ludvig Aberg. Yeah, a lot of good players are there.

Q. So just a quick couple of questions on behalf of our commentators. What's your natural shot shape? Like a draw, a fade?

ELIN PUDAS REMLER: A small fade, I would say.

Q. What's your favorite club?

ELIN PUDAS REMLER: My driver or my putter. Depends on the day. (Laughing.)

Q. What driver do you use?

ELIN PUDAS REMLER: The G 430. I think it's a Ping.

Q. And your putter?

ELIN PUDAS REMLER: It's an OG Hot White from Odyssey.

Q. Favorite yardage for wedges?


Q. What's your miss?

ELIN PUDAS REMLER: A long pull. A long pull. (Laughing.)

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