Q. Well played. Leading qualifier. You must be delighted with that?
LOTTIE WOAD: Yeah, definitely. But I guess the first goal was just to qualify, and then when you're up there, just, you know, keep playing well and just see if you can be the leading qualifier.
Q. You played so well today. Holed some nice putts. A wee mistake on the first but everything else is positive.
LOTTIE WOAD: Yeah, conditions today were a lot easier. So I could attack a lot of pins, but still had to respect a few of the pins. Definitely held a lot of putts today, so that always helps.
Q. Do you feel like this course suits your eye? You seem very comfortable. On the front nine, you were holing good putts and getting in good positions off the tee.
LOTTIE WOAD: Yeah, I like playing links golf. Haven't played in a while. So it was kind of good just to get the feel back.
And I played relatively conservative off most tees just to avoid some fairway bunkers. But in match play, I might hit a few more drivers. I was kind of just testing it out the past couple days.
Q. So as you reset for match play, a different game, starting from square one again?
LOTTIE WOAD: Yeah, definitely. I'll take, you know, the momentum and confidence from playing well but this is when the actual competition starts.
Q. And you're looking forward to it?
LOTTIE WOAD: Yeah, I am.
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