Q. How does it feel to be in the last eight?
ANNA FOSTER: Kind of relieved, almost, just to be done with the two matches today. It was like such a grind and such a fight. So I'm really happy with how patient I was and how positive I stayed with myself. I think that really definitely helped coming down the last few holes in the second match for sure.
Q. You turned that around, did you not?
ANNA FOSTER: Yeah, it was always a really tight match, but it's just like, especially today, you just don't know what's going to happen. You have to kind of really stay in the present and like not look at what could happen or being up or down or anything like that because it kind of flipped all the time.
Q. And obviously home player on the last day. What's it been like feeding off the crowds?
ANNA FOSTER: It's been so nice. Especially a lot of people from my home club have come out and supported me and family and friends.
But yeah, it's really nice to have all of the support and be able to be in my own bed at night and go home and be with my family so that's really nice.
Q. And some TV cameras tomorrow, live streaming, how excited are you for that?
ANNA FOSTER: I think it's great. I think it will be great for people to be able to watch and just increase the exposure for women's amateur golf is great in general, I think.
FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports