Women’s Amateur Championship

Quick Quotes

Thursday, 27 June 2024

Lorna McClymont

Q. Quarterfinals, you must be ecstatic to be in the last eight.

LORNA McCLYMONT: Yeah, it's just kind of -- yeah, haven't thought about it too much. Just playing every match as it comes, every shot as it comes, especially out there today. It wasn't easy. Just focus on every single shot.

Q. You've played a lot of links golf. So that would surely benefit you today.

LORNA McCLYMONT: Yeah, kind of used to it kind of, but it doesn't make it any easier at all. I think it's just kind of really having a high acceptance of just being clear on what shot you have to play.

Q. You've played a lot on the amateur scene, a lot of championships, but to go as far as you've done, you must be pretty proud in a championship of this stature?

LORNA McCLYMONT: Yeah, absolutely. No. 1, just enjoy it and whatever happens, happens, and don't put pressure on myself. Yeah, I'm happy to be where I am.

Q. Did you keep the prizes out of your head then tomorrow of what you could achieve with a few more wins?

LORNA McCLYMONT: Yeah, just get out of your head and just really focusing on what's in front of you and stay in the moment, yeah.

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