Q. Finalist in the Women's Amateur Championship. How good does that sound?
LORNA McCLYMONT: I can't believe it. It's pretty cool.
Q. What was the key to that success this afternoon?
LORNA McCLYMONT: I think just kind of staying patient really. And having high acceptance when something doesn't end up well but also stay in the moment and enjoying it is the most important thing.
Q. Tell us about the putts, firstly the 8th?
LORNA McCLYMONT: Yeah, that was just off the left side of the green. Yeah, just hit a good putt and yeah, looked good. Next weekend in at the end. It was really good. And on 15, holed a long putt to win the hole which was a wee bit unexpected but nice when that happened.
Q. She's a gutsy competitor, finalist two years ago. What was the kind of key to the success of breaking her down, given the way she hit a lot of fairways and greens?
LORNA McCLYMONT: Yeah, absolutely. I knew she would be quite a strong player and like all the rest of them.
And I think it's just going to really just focus on my shot and what I can do and what I can control, and whatever happens, whatever happens.
Q. You've had a good season. Is it a case of keeping the form going that you've shown this year?
LORNA McCLYMONT: Pretty much. Just kind of like just trying to get better each time and -- but I think honestly just enjoying it really has been the most important thing for me.
Q. And how do you handle 36 holes tomorrow? Another challenge?
LORNA McCLYMONT: Yeah. Again, it's just the same as any other 36 holes or whatever. But obviously there's a bit more to do. Yeah, it's just kind of having the same kind of mindset as today and the last few days.
Q. And big prizes on offer. So you can try and block them out tomorrow and just focus on the opponent and getting through it?
LORNA McCLYMONT: Yeah, pretty much. Just focusing on what I can control and kind of make some good shots and good decisions and yeah, just kind of -- but I think enjoying it and not thinking too much about the outcome.
Q. Was it slightly easier today? The wind dropped but you're getting more used to the course as well?
LORNA McCLYMONT: Yeah, I think this afternoon, it's a bit weird. It was there and then some shots it wasn't. It kind of got confusing because you didn't know -- I think it's just a bit kind of committing to the decision you've got and whatever happens. But yeah, it's been at least we had no wind today so it was good.
FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports