The G4D Open

Mixed Zone

Wednesday, 15 May 2024

Kipp Popert

Q. When you woke up this morning, would you have been happy with the prospect of shooting the score you got today?


Q. And how did it play overall? What was good?

KIPP POPERT: Yeah, very solid. Worked last week quite hard. So the stuff I worked on was much improved since America.

Q. And what about the course in terms of the challenge? How are you finding the conditions?

KIPP POPERT: Yeah, it's much easier than last year in the sense of last year was just a bog and this year, it's nice. For example, the tee shot on 17 is so much easier now because last year we had to take on the tree on the left whereas this year, you can just hit 5-iron and it runs down the slope. And yeah, the greens are really good. Course is in great nick.

Q. You played well and a couple other guys played well, as well. Are you very much aware of the job you've still got to do there?

KIPP POPERT: Yeah, two more days. Two more good days of golf and see how we go.

Q. What do you think of the course and the venue as a show piece, how are you finding it as a sort of the advertisement for the G4D?

KIPP POPERT: Yeah, Woburn the last two years is special. I know everyone fairly well up here now, and they are awesome. To provide the buggies and everything that goes into hosting this event and the wide range of disabilities and people that are able to play is brilliant.

Q. What will you do now to prepare for tomorrow?

KIPP POPERT: Probably have some lunch and hit some balls on the range. That's about it.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
144130-1-1003 2024-05-15 13:52:00 GMT

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