Q. Mike, not the best day at the office then, what was the problem today?
MIKE BROWNE: For me, putting. I couldn't get the -- the greens were just personally for me really slow. So I just couldn't get there, the pace of them today. I had six or seven 3-putts, and that's not what you want going into a tournament. So going to have to do some work on that and see how we go tomorrow.
Q. What about the rest of your game?
MIKE BROWNE: Yeah, tee-to-green, I'm playing probably some of the best golf I've ever played tee-to-green, but yeah, I'm usually a good putter. But I just really struggled on these today and I was leaving them four or five feet short and that's not very good, you know, and then so yeah, we got to do some work on that.
Q. You all know from the G4D tour events, you've won three of them and it's all about patience. Do you think you still are in with a chance?
MIKE BROWNE: I haven't looked at the scoreboard yet so I don't know where I am or how far I am behind but I mean, like say, tee-to-green, I'm good, so all I've got to do is sort my putting out tomorrow and we're back in the game hopefully and see what we can chase down.
FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports