The G4D Open

Mixed Zone

Thursday, 16 May 2024

Chris Biggins

Q. So Chris, do you feel you played well today but the scoring was difficult?

CHRIS BIGGINS: Yeah, I feel like I hit it just as well as I did yesterday. I had opportunities out there. Just putts wouldn't fall. Got some tough breaks and they turned one bad shot into a really bad break but just goes to show that tomorrow I can hit it -- you can go low on this course. Just golf gods will be in my favor hopefully.

Q. So do you feel your game is in strong shape and if the sun shines and you get the bounces, you've got a good chance?

CHRIS BIGGINS: Yeah, over the ball, I'm confident, every shot, especially within 150 yards, I feel like I can throw a dart over the tee. I know it's really tough tee shots, really tough fairways but I feel like I'm best in the field hitting it down the middle. I feel like it's there for me to put together and green light day tomorrow.

Q. You're an experienced player now on the G4D Tour and you've excelled on that so knowing the players, are you confident in yourself you can get back and maybe contend?

CHRIS BIGGINS: Well, the more I know them, the more I think it's a very difficult task because you expect Kipp and Mike to shoot 3-, 4-under tomorrow. Catching them is probably out of the question unless something crazy happens but it's golf so I'm going to try to make some early birdies tomorrow and put pressure on them and see what happens.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
144156-1-1003 2024-05-16 13:48:00 GMT

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