Q. You've won your class which is Visual 2. How much did you enjoy the whole experience at Woburn this week?
JOHN EAKIN: It was fantastic. Thanks for asking. Whilst I thoroughly enjoyed last year, this year seems a step up. Better organised. I appreciate what the R&A have done and the DP World Tour, and also, I greatly appreciate all the information EDGA have given about disabilities, and that helped a lot, I think.
Q. You've played pretty well. You said didn't quite get what you wanted out of the whole week but who would you like to thank for helping you to sort of play some decent golf out there?
JOHN EAKIN: Well, blind and visually impaired golf is definitely a pairs event. I couldn't do this without my guide, Christopher Vaughn who has kindly guided me for 12 years.
And also, it's very evident that the Woburn Club and clubs around have put a massive support and volunteers into making this a very special and enjoyable event.
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