The Walker Cup

Quick Quotes

Saturday, 2 September 2023

Mike McCoy

Q. Your reaction, Mike, to the morning foursomes, GB&I coming out on top. What did you see from your team that hopefully can prove well, come this afternoon?

MIKE McCOY: Right, there was some really terrific golf played out there. It's a beautiful day. We came up a couple short. We had two good opportunities on the last hole, and down but not defeated. We're going to regroup here at lunch and send this strong team out this afternoon, see if we can earn some points.

Q. It is a quick turnaround. What do you tell your team between now and that first match going off?

MIKE McCOY: They know what to do. They've been preparing for this for a long time. Just get them here on time and turn them loose.

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136376-2-1147 2023-09-02 12:19:00 GMT

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