Q. Nice playing, Caleb. Played some really solid golf there. Not a lot of birdies but not a lot of bogeys. Talk me through your round.
CALEB SURRATT: I think three birdies, no bogeys, it's pretty solid in this wind. I don't think TV does justice to how it's blowing out here. Put a really good round together and was very level-headed and was fortunate enough to come out with a win.
Q. What's it mean that Captain puts you first and then you put up the first point on the board for the afternoon?
CALEB SURRATT: Yeah, Captain has a lot of trust in me, even more than I have in myself sometimes. For him to do that and for me to step up and capitalise on that is big for not only me and our team but our country.
I hope that we can finish strong this afternoon and go out there and play again tomorrow.
Q. Are you going to remember your first Walker Cup point?
CALEB SURRATT: I am, yeah. I can't wait to go over there and talk to my head coach. It's my first ever Walker Cup point. It's going to be pretty cool. I'm going to enjoy it the rest of the day.
Q. Can you talk a little bit about this morning; you said you and Ben played some really golf and just got beat.
CALEB SURRATT: Yeah. I mean, me and Ben were 4-under with a bogey this morning and lost 3 & 2. That doesn't usually happen in match play or alternate shot. I think we had the second lowest score of the day. But that's how it goes sometimes. Connor Graham is an unbelievable player as well as Calum Scott. They're a force to be reckoned with.
Q. Are you going to go hop on the cart and support the boys?
CALEB SURRATT: I am. I can't wait. Yes, sir.
FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports