The Walker Cup

Quick Quotes

Sunday, 3 September 2023

Gordon Sargent

Nick Dunlap

GORDON SARGENT: Kind of let them have a couple, get back to tied, and Nick hit a great shot on 16 and we were able to make a few putts down the stretch to end up winning on 18, so huge point against a strong Scottish team.

NICK DUNLAP: I thought we played great. Kind of hit it where we were looking all day. Made a couple sloppy mistakes, but he made a couple pretty huge putts coming down the stretch.

Q. A lot of people wanted to see you guys paired together, but how much did you two want to be paired together?

NICK DUNLAP: A good bit.

GORDON SARGENT: I think we had the mindset that if we're paired together, we're not losing. That puts pressure on when you're two guys on the team that the captain relies on, but also gives us confidence just knowing if we go out and play our game, we'll be okay.

Q. Nick, you made a couple big putts early. About what distance were those?

NICK DUNLAP: I don't know if I made any putts. I made a couple short ones, but hit a couple decent lag putts and some decent chips and some decent wedge shots. But I thought we played really solid.

Q. Obviously it's tough to go into the first night down three points, but was there anything that you guys did last night that maybe kind of just picked yourselves up just a little bit?

NICK DUNLAP: Let everybody know we believe in each other. We're going to come out strong. We put a couple good pairings out early, and fortunate enough to put a couple points on the board.

Q. Gordon --

GORDON SARGENT: Yeah, I think the team room was pretty silent. We all knew what we needed to do today, and everyone knows it's golf, what can happen. They can play better than you, and that's exactly golf, but we knew it wasn't okay what happened yesterday, and we just knew we wanted to take care of business today.

Q. How was that wind at the corner compared to stuff you've played in before?

NICK DUNLAP: It was pretty far in.

GORDON SARGENT: Pretty much up there.

NICK DUNLAP: The ball was oscillating a couple times. No, you just have to hit it solid, give the wind credit where it's due and aim way off target. You have to hit it solid.

Q. That shot on 11, were you shocked that went long or did the wind kind of -- didn't you hit it long?

NICK DUNLAP: I came up short to be honest with you. Hit 6-iron from 165, I think. No, but left it in a good spot, and able to get it up-and-down.

Q. How about that final putt on 18 to seal it, Gordon?

GORDON SARGENT: Yeah, kind of had three putts down the stretch that we had really good reads on and made them both dead centre on 16 and 17, so just -- you never want to give your opponent chances, and I don't think we really liked that GB&I roar the past couple days, so we decided we don't want to give them even a chance.

NICK DUNLAP: We like it quiet out here, nice and peaceful.

Q. Where did you start the 3-wood today?

GORDON SARGENT: Right at the pin. It was a little heely but obviously just kind of -- I knew if I left Nick in a good spot, we were going to be where we wanted to be. Driver would have been in the --

NICK DUNLAP: He would have hit it over the wall.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
136418-1-1002 2023-09-03 11:37:00 GMT

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