The Walker Cup

Quick Quotes

Sunday, 3 September 2023

Nick Dunlap

Q. So 3-down, four to go. You get a half. How big is that?

NICK DUNLAP: You know, I don't know what's going on behind me. I just knew that any extra point, half point, full point, helps a lot and helps the guys behind me.

Wasn't going to give up. You know, I'm playing, like I said in the beginning of the week, for more than me. I'm playing for my teammates and my country, and I'll battle to the end.

Q. You said you might have hurt yourself on the fist pump there on 18.

NICK DUNLAP: The double fist pump. I hadn't had much to eat and did that double fist pump and maybe yelled a little too loud, but I could care less.

Q. Did you think it was over when he had that short putt on 17 to win that match?

NICK DUNLAP: It's never over until that final putt drops.

Q. So that is a no?

NICK DUNLAP: No. Not until it goes in. Then it's over.

Q. What were you thinking when you were standing on the 18 tee?

NICK DUNLAP: You know, try to hit the best drive I can, and obviously the fairway is a little undulated out there, so you never know what kind of bounce you're going to get.

All I can ask of myself is to give myself a chance, and I was fortunate to have an eight-footer on the last.

Q. Pretty good American contingency. Some dudes in some pretty cool jackets over there. How cool is that?

NICK DUNLAP: It helped me out a lot. Yeah, those ten guys started making some noise and sparked me a little bit.

Needed to hear it, and, yeah, to end it that way on this golf course is pretty special.

Q. You were leading going in, throughout most of the match, and then all of a sudden, I don't know if it was Barclay or you, but all of a sudden you're 3-down. What transpired over that period of time?

NICK DUNLAP: Links golf. That's what it's called. Had a really good iron shot on 11. Thought I made a 1 and ended up hitting it in the bunker and making an X.

And then still don't know -- I played the 13th hole about seven times and still don't know how to play it. Thought I hit a pretty good iron there and kicked it left in the bunker.

I thought I played really, really well all day. Didn't hit that many bad shots. You know, that's what links golf does to you.

Q. So surprising when you were 3-down if you were playing that well in this kind of situation?

NICK DUNLAP: Yeah, just keep fighting. He's a good player. He made some good putts. Yeah, I wasn't going to say I wasn't concerned because I was, but all I can do is keep doing me and keep hitting good shots.

I kind of did that coming down the last couple holes, and, yeah, happy the way it ended.

Q. What did Captain McCoy say to you guys last night? Obviously some of the guys that came in looked a little dejected. I don't know how you felt about yesterday, but coming up today, 3-1 in foursomes and then doing pretty well in singles, what did he say to you to get you guys motivated, interested, whatever it was?

NICK DUNLAP: He didn't have to say much. You know, it sucks. Nobody on this team likes losing. Everybody is extremely competitive, really good. We just kind of had an off day and they played great.

That's golf. They're allowed to play good, make birdies and win matches.

You know, we all had a game plan. We knew if we came out and executed, that we may like the end result.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
136420-1-1041 2023-09-03 16:30:00 GMT

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