The Walker Cup

Quick Quotes

Sunday, 3 September 2023

Jack Bigham

Q. Nice to get a point in the bag?

JACK BIGHAM: Yeah, that's amazing. We were down this morning, and, yeah, for me to get that point is big for us.

Hopefully the rest of the lads can get it done.

Q. Were you looking at boards out there and realize you need the point?

JACK BIGHAM: Yeah, I was getting into the back nine and I was up and needed to get my point for the team, so just stayed focused, and, yeah kept hitting my lines and hit good shots.

Q. What was the key to that victory?

JACK BIGHAM: Kept hitting greens. He was longer than me, so I was hitting in first most of the time, just kept putting pressure on him. Yeah, I didn't really do a lot wrong, so...

Q. After yesterday, was that just kind of the drive to get at that point?

JACK BIGHAM: Yeah, it was, massively. To lose -- I played against world's No. 1, but yeah, to go out today and finish our I did on 16 was special.

Q. Special week regardless of what happens?

JACK BIGHAM: Yeah, anything that happens is special at St Andrews. Can't ask for much better really.

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136421-1-1041 2023-09-03 16:53:00 GMT

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