Africa Amateur Championship

Quick Quotes

Monday, 19 February 2024

Kyra Van Kan

Q. Kyra, where did you first start playing golf? What are your first memories of learning to play the game?

KYRA VAN KAN: I first started playing golf in Johannesburg, and one day my dad took me to the range where I'm at member at, at Glendower Golf Course, and I took a big swing at that golf ball, and I've just kind of loved the game. I just wanted to go back to the range ever since then.

Q. Tell us a little bit about golf in South Africa, what it's like to grow up playing in South Africa and how inspiring it is to be representing South Africa.

KYRA VAN KAN: Yeah, it's absolutely incredible playing golf here. The golf courses we have here, lots of parklands, bushy golf courses and also links courses down in the Cape. It's really a blessing to be playing here because there are so many friendly people here. You always get to play with a friendly four-ball.

Q. Can you explain the importance of the Africa Amateur and what it's doing for golf and golf in this region?

KYRA VAN KAN: This is honestly such a huge golf tournament. I'm so happy to be playing in this African Women's Amateur this year for the first time. It's a huge -- it's very attractive to women's golf. It draws a lot of attention to South Africa and how great it is to come play golf here, and it's a huge thing for women's golf to grow the game, as well.

Q. Let's talk about what happens outside of golf. What are some of your hobbies? What are you doing when you're not playing golf?

KYRA VAN KAN: Well, I love to go out for a cup of coffee with some friends. I love going to the beach, as well, walking the dogs. I go to the gym after. I'm a very sportsy person. I love playing all kinds of sports, tennis. I love playing tennis. I just love being outdoors.

Q. Do you have any hidden talents we need to know about?

KYRA VAN KAN: I wouldn't say I'm a bad chef, honestly. I like to cook and bake.

Q. Who's been an inspiration for you? What's a player that you aspire to?

KYRA VAN KAN: I would say Ashleigh Buhai. She's also from South Africa, and I just think she's an amazing person and awesome golfer. I went and watched her at the AIG Women's Open when she played there and she won. To see her winning there was incredible. I look up to her so much as a role model. She comes from the same background pretty much as me.

I've been lucky enough to see her at a few pro events, as well, and get to know her a little bit. I really aspire to be like her.

Q. We're trying to get everyone to pick an animal, safari animal that they would compare themselves to. Which animal and why would you be in the safari?

KYRA VAN KAN: I would say like a meerkat because they just pop out of nowhere but they're also really feisty. They're very loyal animals, as well. They always stick together in a pack. I would say I'm like a meerkat.

They never really let any other animal touch them.

Q. What's a strength of your game?

KYRA VAN KAN: I think one of my strengths is plotting myself around the golf course, and also my chipping, my short game is pretty good at the moment. I think around this golf course, there's going to be a lot of concentration going into the kind of shots you have to hit around here. I think you have to be pretty precise. I would say that would be my strength.

Q. Are there any weaknesses you're working on, any part of your game that you're sort of --

KYRA VAN KAN: I would say probably from off the tee, just managing myself a little bit better. I think that would be quite important.

Q. Do you have a favourite yardage where you're like, green light? What's that number?

KYRA VAN KAN: I would say 130 metres.

Q. What's that for you?

KYRA VAN KAN: It's a pitching wedge.

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