Q. Let's talk about when you first started playing golf. What got you into the game?
MARGRET NYAMUKONDIWA: I started playing golf at the age of seven, and the reason why I started is because I have an older brother. So he started before me. So when I saw him playing, I grew interest into playing the game.
Q. Is your brother quite good, as well?
MARGRET NYAMUKONDIWA: He is, actually. He's very good. He's actually playing college golf at Drexler University in Philadelphia.
Q. Tell us about golf in your country. Can you give us a rundown of what golf is like, how popular it is, how it's growing?
MARGRET NYAMUKONDIWA: Golf in my country is actually -- it's not really that big because we actually struggle to have girls so when you're competing you're competing with people that are older than you, so people my age, it's pretty rare to find them. It's actually not as competitive, but we try to get there.
Q. I guess that must make this tournament quite important. Can you tell us how essential a championship like this is for you guys?
MARGRET NYAMUKONDIWA: Actually this means a lot because I actually was never expecting to have an invitation to play such a big tournament because I've actually never really played anything as big as this, so it's actually quite exciting.
Q. What is it you love most about golf? What do you love about the game of golf?
MARGRET NYAMUKONDIWA: So actually what I love about the game of golf is that it helps you to think, and sometimes it also helps you competition-wise because as for me, I'm a college golfer, so with college, you get to play with different people and you get to know how people react on the golf course, and you get to talk to a lot of people. You get to meet a lot of different people.
Q. What do you do outside of golf? What's a day in the life? What are your hobbies, habits, funny quirks?
MARGRET NYAMUKONDIWA: That's actually quite interesting because I don't really have much. Like I actually don't. My daily routine is in the morning I have classes, and then right after classes I have practice. Right after practice I have study, and then I'm going to bed. I actually don't really have much.
Q. What about player inspiration? Who inspires you in the game of golf?
MARGRET NYAMUKONDIWA: Actually it's Nelly Korda. She is one of the female professional golfers. She actually really inspires me a lot with her golf. So I would say that.
Q. If you were to pick an animal in the safari, which animal would describe best you? What type of animal are you and why?
MARGRET NYAMUKONDIWA: That's actually an interesting one.
Q. What type of golfer are you?
MARGRET NYAMUKONDIWA: Kind of on the competitive side but not really, so it's kind of like I try not to pressure myself when I'm playing so it doesn't get into my head because I used to let it get to my head. It's kind of in the middle competitive-wise and also on the calm side. So it's in the middle.
Animal, I'd say a calm lion if that makes sense. I'd say a calm lion. I'm actually not -- when it comes to being aggressive, that's mostly with my golf shots. I'd say I can be very aggressive when it comes to my golf shots, so I would say with the lion because it has moments where it can be very aggressive. I would say the aggressiveness of the lion, that's more of like when I'm playing.
Then the calm side -- well, a lion is not very calm, so the calm side, I don't know what to say about that one.
Q. Calm lion?
Q. What's the strongest part of your game?
MARGRET NYAMUKONDIWA: My strongest part of my game is my putting.
Q. What about your weakness and what are you working on at the moment to try and elevate yourself?
MARGRET NYAMUKONDIWA: Mostly what I'm working on are my irons. It's not that I'm really struggling with them. It's just I've got a new set of irons, so I'm trying to really adjust into working with them.
Q. What's your green light yardage? If you picked a number and you're like, yeah, I'm going at this pin?
Q. Bang on 100?
MARGRET NYAMUKONDIWA: Yes, bang on 100, nothing outside, nothing less.
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