National Bank Open

Tuesday, August 9, 2022

Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Kaia Kanepi

Press Conference

K. KANEPI/N. Osaka

7-6, 3-0 (ret.)

THE MODERATOR: We'll start with questions in English first.

Q. Wanted to know if your plan for the match worked out.

KAIA KANEPI: My plan for?

Q. For the match.

KAIA KANEPI: Okay. I'm not going to tell about my plan. (Laughing).

Q. No, not your specific plan, but like in general. Did things work out for you?

KAIA KANEPI: Okay. Well I tried to play my game and stay aggressive and it was very tight match.

It was a bit new atmosphere, new conditions. I played on Sunday in Washington. So in the beginning I felt I need a little more time to get used to new things. But after that I felt comfortable.

Q. How do you find the surface, the court surface here in Toronto?

KAIA KANEPI: For me I think it's a bit similar to US Open. It bounces a bit higher than I expected.

Q. Some players are saying it's a bit fast.

KAIA KANEPI: I think that courts might be a different speed. But the Centre, it was more fast than slow, of course. But it was okay for me.

Q. I just wanted to maybe get your reaction. I'm sure you saw the news this morning that Serena Williams plans to retire. Is she a player who has inspired you in the past and just what was your reaction when you saw that news?

KAIA KANEPI: I took it very calmly. Because, you know, players, they retire in certain age. I think it's normal.

Q. It must be a bit challenging when the crowd is so much in favor of your opponent. I saw one Estonia flag and I heard a couple of your names pronounced properly. I'm expecting a lot more Estonians in the next couple of days. Other than saying your name, what other Estonian word would you like them to say to you on the court?

KAIA KANEPI: Well, just some encouraging words. Not much talking, please. (Laughing).

Q. From my perspective, living in Canada most of my life, you were an inspiration to Estonian tennis. Estonia, as many people would know, only has just a little bit more than a million people. And already this week we have two excellent players that are playing here. What inspired you at an early age and how do you think you've inspired the next generation of Estonian women tennis players?

KAIA KANEPI: I think my coach and training inspired me. Because I trained with boys and then I wanted to beat the boys. I think that was the inspiration to get better in tennis. Because I was too young to realize what it means to play on tour or to be a professional player.

Q. What about the next generation? Do you have your eye on some people, other than the other lady who was here, tomorrow in terms of up and coming Estonian women players?

KAIA KANEPI: No, actually it's really tough for me to see young kids if they are good or not. Because I don't think I will be a great coach (laughing).

Yeah, I don't actually know much. I know a few names, but I can't tell how good they are.

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