Omnium Banque Nationale

Thursday, 12 August 2021

Montreal, Quebec, Canada

Petra Kvitova

Press Conference

C. GIORGI/P. Kvitova

6-4, 6-4

THE MODERATOR: Questions, please.

Q. Could you walk us through the match, what you think made the difference today.

PETRA KVITOVA: Hello, everybody. I don't see anyone, but I hope that you are there (smiling).

Yeah, I think it was tough one. I think Camila is in pretty good form, and she showed it today. Actually I don't think that I played the best, but I don't think that I played really bad as well. I think I do find some positives over there, as well.

Yeah, was tough one, even with the wind. It was still flying everywhere. It was really tough to find the rhythm, as well.

But I think overall I think was a good match. I tried to find my way, which I did. In the end always I was missing little bit. But, yeah, I think it was okay.

I'm glad that I had two matches here, as well, after a little bit struggling in the past weeks. So, yep, I have to move on.

Q. You seemed to be struggling a little bit on your second serve. Was it a bit of a confidence issue? Were you not getting enough pace, the wind, or something else?

PETRA KVITOVA: No, I don't think there was any troubles with the second serve, for sure not. I think I served pretty well, as well.

She's just returning somehow very good. It was not rallies because she's just going to it. That's her game. I don't think that she's ever playing rallies (smiling).

It wasn't really about the serve. I think it was just about one, two shots at the beginning of the rallies decided who took it the first one.

Yeah, I think it wasn't really the case. I was just trying. Of course, if I going to put a little bit more first serves, it would probably be a little bit better. I mean, I still think I served quite okay.

Q. It's quite hot this week in Montreal. Is this something that affects you? Do you do something different when it's hot and humid like this?

PETRA KVITOVA: You mean the weather, right?

Q. The weather.

PETRA KVITOVA: Sorry, I didn't really understand.

Not really. That's how it is. I know Montreal pretty well. Sometimes it's happening here like this. But it's very humid, to be honest. It wasn't that hot today, but very humid. Unfortunately I'm sweating a lot, as well. My hands are, like, wet all the time. It's not really nice to hold the racquet then.

What I can do, right? I mean, I can't really do anything different. Probably more often going for the towels. I'm drinking still quite enough. I think that's it.

I think we are professionals and we are always doing the best what we can. This is just how something affect us. Like, every time is for both of us same. Yeah, somebody's dealing little bit better with it, somebody not really.

Q. It was great to see you be the flag bearer for Czech. What was going through your mind at that time? What was the experience like in Tokyo in general?

PETRA KVITOVA: Thank you very much.

Yeah, it was actually amazing. When I find out those news that I going to hold it, I been quite emotional. I started to cry little bit.

In the night, I was just reflecting whole my life, actually whole my career, how everything went. I'm playing pretty long tennis already. I have a long career. Also many things happen in my life.

It was very deep to me. It was big honor for me, as well. I really enjoyed it. I was so happy whole time. We were waiting for two, three hours before we went to the stadium. It was just fun to speak with the other athletes, as well. It was just great and I was really happy.

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