Omnium Banque Nationale

Saturday, 14 August 2021

Montreal, Quebec, Canada

Camila Giorgi

Press Conference

C. GIORGI/J. Pegula

6-3, 3-6, 6-1

THE MODERATOR: Questions, please.

Q. Why don't you summarize the match for us, what it means for you to be in the final.

CAMILA GIORGI: I think I'm very happy because actually today was I think great match, even if the second set maybe I didn't play my game. I lost a little bit the rhythm. But then I came back and was I think a third set amazing.

Q. Can you talk about what it means for you to make the final in Montreal. It's the biggest final of your career.

CAMILA GIORGI: Yes, I think it means a lot because it's amazing. I think it was a great week. I play all matches very tough matches. It's just a good prove. I'm very happy actually.

Q. I think you said yesterday that you've been able to be very consistent over the last few weeks and tournaments. Why do you think that you've been able to play so consistent recently?

CAMILA GIORGI: I think is just because we been working many things with my dad actually. We did some changes of the game. I mean, more tactical, more strategy. I think it was (indiscernible).

Q. In terms of the tactical and strategic changes with your game, is it more shot selection or the way you're playing? What has made the difference?

CAMILA GIORGI: I think now I'm playing better. I mean, I know better how to choose the shots. When I need a little bit to slow down, accelerate. It's more variation in my game I think. This is very important.

Q. Looking to tomorrow playing Karolina, you just played in Tokyo a couple weeks ago. Talk about the challenge of playing Pliskova.

CAMILA GIORGI: I think it's going to be another great match. I just going to focus on my game, like I do as usual, then we see. Is going to be a good match.

Q. Did you feel at some point the match was in danger of slipping away from you? What were you saying to yourself in those moments?

CAMILA GIORGI: No, I think never thought about that because I was playing very good. First set was very, very good. The second one, can happen, especially in tennis.

I just came back in the third set. I was more focus, even more than the first set.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
111496-1-1004 2021-08-15 00:40:00 GMT

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