Omnium Banque Nationale

Tuesday, 8 August 2023

Montreal, Quebec, Canada

Camila Giorgi

Press Conference

C. GIORGI/B. Andreescu

6-3, 6-2

THE MODERATOR: Camila, just to begin with, how did you feel on the court tonight? It was a big match against Bianca.

CAMILA GIORGI: Yes, I think it was a great match, very consistent, and I think all the points was really, really close and very good. I played my game, so I was really happy.

THE MODERATOR: Questions in English.

Q. Your first two qualifying matches we saw some terrific shot-making. Obviously you used your two qualifying matches to prepare for tonight because your strokes were dead on. Was this the best you played in an early round of a tournament?

CAMILA GIORGI: Well, I think it was a really good match, really good because both players was playing great.

I think it was really high-level. So I think it was amazing, the first two matches, and today was I feel even better in the court and how I was moving. So this is my strength, so it's good.

THE MODERATOR: Questions in French.

Q. When you were back on center court two years after your victory, what did you feel?

CAMILA GIORGI: It's incredible to be here. It's a very comfortable surface for my game and for myself. I was able to play three good matches here, and I'm very happy, and I hope I keep going.

Q. Your opponent, of course, was the favorite of the crowd. They encouraged her a lot. Mentally how were you able to have overcome this because it seemed that every time the crowd was applauding, you were winning the next point and calming down the crowd.

CAMILA GIORGI: No, it was the same for both. I think the crowd here is incredible. They are always behaving perfectly well, very nice. I didn't feel that when I was winning points. They were cheering for me too. I feel very good when I'm here.

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