Texas - 91, Oklahoma State - 86
Q. Jericho, on that drive Avery Anderson had going at you when you lost the ball out of bounds, when you went up to contest, the camera caught you, and you had the biggest smile on your face I've ever seen you have during a game. What were you thinking down the stretch as you guys were closing that out, and just how much fun and how much enjoyment is this for you?
JERICHO SIMS: Tremendous enjoyment. We haven't done this before. Nobody from Texas has done this before. We're just happy to be the first. Just all the hard work we've put into this has allowed us to get to this point. So we're very proud of ourselves.
Q. Jericho, what's it like as a big man tonight to do what you expect to do like every night? Just for everything to go well, really on both ends of the court.
JERICHO SIMS: I mean, big game, so you've got to show up. That's about it.
Q. Jericho, I know this is a lot to take in, but when I think about your four years -- Moe, Jackson, Coach Horn, everybody that has wanted to see you perform like this -- just what do you think of where you're at now as a basketball player?
JERICHO SIMS: Just ready to make that next step. I can't do it without guys like Matt, guys like Ramey. We just feed off each other. I'm glad this is finally coming together. Everything's clicking.
Q. Jericho, Shaka has always told us, from the time you got onto the court, arrived on campus, that you have a tremendous upside. For you guys to put it all together and for you to be leading the way, how gratifying is that for you, and what does it say about his faith in you as a player?
JERICHO SIMS: He's always going to believe in us. He's going to believe in me. I knew that since I signed the contract to come here. Just he puts his faith in me, and I show up, and that's it.
Q. Jericho, what's your confidence like offensively right now?
JERICHO SIMS: Well, all I do is, if I catch it, I go with it. There's not a whole lot to it. I just know that not a whole lot of guys is going to contest it. They find me in there, and I do what I do.
Q. Jericho, you had a really big game, four straight games of double digit points, but you and Matt have really connected well these past few games. Does it help having another player alongside you who you can always rebound off of and always have that strong connection with down in the paint?
JERICHO SIMS: Yeah, that's all him. I can't do it without him.
FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports