Golden State Warriors Media Conference

Monday, September 27, 2021

San Francisco, California, USA

Jr. Otto Porter

Media Conference

Q. Have you been around the facility much? I know they have been having like scrimmages and stuff. Have you been around the last few weeks?

OTTO PORTER, JR.: Yeah, I've been around for about a month now.

Q. What's that month been like accurate mating to the organization, teammates, all that?

OTTO PORTER, JR.: Yeah, I've been here with the trainers, basically getting my body ready for training camp. Here with some of the guys that's been rehabbing, some of the guys that's back in the gym working out. Been around some of my teammates. It's been great.

Q. How are you feeling physically?

OTTO PORTER, JR.: Physically feeling really good.

Q. You're ready to go for training camp?

OTTO PORTER, JR.: Absolutely.

Q. You take us back to this off-season and when the Warriors approached you, what you liked about this situation and why you thought you should come here?

OTTO PORTER, JR.: I just think it was a great opportunity for me. Situation was pretty good. I think to me it was an easy decision, knowing where aim at in my career and what I want to accomplish and I thought, you know, being here at Golden State, wanting to help them achieve what they wanted to achieve, so I think it was a good opportunity for me.

Q. Juan was in earlier talking about all the focus that Curry gets and that that creates some open shots for him. Do you see that as a role for you, being a guy who can knock those shots down?

OTTO PORTER, JR.: Absolutely. Absolutely. Any role that Coach sees me, he's going to put me in the right position. And yeah, out there with Steph and Draymond, just being able to stretch the floor out even more with my shooting and with my versatility and always be ready to knock-down shots.

Q. Correct me if I'm wrong but what I heard from people in Chicago is that they wanted to you build your body up more. Is that right or wrong, to be more muscular or something?

OTTO PORTER, JR.: Yeah, I mean, I definitely hit the weight room a lot in Chicago for sure. Able to get some muscles, get a little bit bigger, yeah.

Q. So how do you feel now terms of -- because it sounds like now you are going to get back to the body you had even before that?

OTTO PORTER, JR.: Yeah, I was able to, like I said, be in the gym all summer, to get my body back down. You know, being able to play at Golden State, you have to be able to keep up. So got to be able to keep up with Steph and those guys and only way I can do that if I slim down, you know, back to my size that I was in D.C., what I had a lot of success being at that size.

Q. You've been every situation, player, starter, off the bench, rookie. What do you like about the vibe here? Seems to be guys who are recovering from something or earn a spot in the league or maintain a spot. What do you like about that vibe?

OTTO PORTER, JR.: Yeah, I have been in a lot of different situations. Here, I think they embrace whatever situation you're coming from. They embrace it here. You know, they want you to succeed here and that's the vibes that I've gotten and it just makes me want to go that much more take another step in my development and what I have to offer. Coming here and listening to everybody, they are excited for me. They are excited for me to come back from little injuries that I had over the couple years and they are excited for me just to get back out there and show what I can do.

Q. That corner three you specialize in, do you feel like that shot is what it need to be at this point?

OTTO PORTER, JR.: Yeah, I don't think it ever went anywhere. That's what they call the money shot. You have to have that in the league. You have to have a corner three-ball. So I'm ready to put that to the test here.

Q. Inaudible.

OTTO PORTER, JR.: I think just, focus, and then just being in that position where I can get a lot of catch-and-shoots off of penetration, drive some kicks, transition, getting up and down the court, it will definitely play into this year for me. Being able to move well and being able to get up and down the court.

Q. (How is it, coming to a team with big expectations?)

OTTO PORTER, JR.: Yeah, I mean, I've been on a team, D.C., with high expectations, but this is like another notch. This is totally different from what I've ever experienced. So I think I'm very ready for it.

Q. You've been in the league a long time, 28 years old, what's the balance between being an established player and wanting to be part of the team?

OTTO PORTER, JR.: Yeah, there's some balance between that for sure and I think that's what makes it exciting, knowing that I have a chip on my shoulder and knowing that I've been in the league where the league was changing. And I know that I can continue to show my worth and continue to help a team out.

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112846-1-1003 2021-09-27 20:36:00 GMT

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