Q. Now that the season is over, how will you assess how this season -- how do you assess how the season has been for you, and what are your immediate feelings now that it's over?
JORDAN POOLE: Year four, it's exciting to say that I'm playing in year four with the guys that I have been able to play with. Learned a lot. Grew a lot. Had exciting moments throughout the course of the season. Made it to my second playoffs. It was a good season. Obviously we want to go further and want to still be fighting for a championship but you know, the cards don't always pan out that way. But there was a lot to learn from and a lot of takeaways.
Q. We've seen what you can do. When you look back at this season, and there were games that you were not able to find what you do best, when you evaluate that, how do you break it down and say why and all that?
JORDAN POOLE: I think every player wants to go out and have a good game every game, and it doesn't work that way sometimes. Find ways to get better. Find ways to learn. You can always add to your game or your skillset, and definitely looking forward to that.
Q. Was there ever a point during the season where you felt like, okay, now I've found what I've been looking for all season, I feel like, okay, I'm right now?
JORDAN POOLE: I feel like I was right the whole season. You learn and see different schemes, different matchups. There will be different things that you I'll come back and I'll see next year.
As for other players, just go with the learning curve, find ways to get better with those things. You know, apply, learn and keep pushing.
Q. It seemed like during this postseason, and I know you had injuries and things like that, seemed like you were not decisive with your movements as you were last season. What was the biggest difference between this postseason and last postseason? Seemed like you had more rhythm that you didn't have this postseason. What was the difference in your mind?
JORDAN POOLE: Probably just a little bit of a role change. Last year I could come in and score, be aggressive with the team that we had around. Being more of a facilitator. Trying to get them easy shots. Throughout the course of the playoffs, we had two really good defensive teams that we played, and just trying to find ways to facilitate, get inside.
It's not always about scoring. It's about finding ways to try to help our team be successful. You know, I think every playoffs will be different. Everything won't be the same. Like I said, you learn from that, grow from that and apply your skillset.
Q. Jordan, when you look back, how much do you feel make the events in the preseason impacted the whole season? Did it feel like it lingered to you, and what was the impact that it had on this year?
JORDAN POOLE: I mean, we made it to the second round of the playoffs. We had a good season. Guys stepped up and had a lot of exciting moments. I don't think there was anything that was, you know, changed any of that.
Q. When you look at last year's team versus this year's team, the rosters, the makeup, the personality, what do you think was the biggest difference between last year's team and this year's team in that regard?
JORDAN POOLE: I mean, we were two different teams. I mean, a couple different players and a couple different coaching changes, but as you would expect to see a different team, we made different changes. I think that's just how it goes. Obviously we have core guys that have core knowledge, and we can definitely always ride with that.
Q. When you look at guy's on last year's team, guys like Gary who came back this year at some point, but Juan, D-Lee, you had a bunch of guys last year that were basically trying to prove they belonged in the NBA. Did you sense any of that this year from the guys?
JORDAN POOLE: We got guys on our team who are in the NBA, so I feel like they have proven that they deserve to be in the NBA. I think if you can keep teams together and after winning the Championship, people want that to happen.
But guys have to make decisions not only for their future and their career but their families. Decisions were made, and we had an amazing year last year and we won a championship. Obviously that's what we strive for every time we come out and play on the court. You know, doesn't happen that way, but you get another chance to come back with a good group of guys and come back with our core guys next year and have another run at it.
Q. You probably had the most attention on you that you've probably ever had in your life. Did that weigh on you as the season wore on? That's something you say you shy away from, so how was that to have all of that on you this year?
JORDAN POOLE: I think it's cool. You live, you play basketball to impact lives, impact the youth. You know you want to be recognized for your talents. Comes with it, good games, bad games, especially now in today's era, we are growing up with like a different media, new media than it was 20 years ago.
Just try to be an example. Lead by example for the youth. It just comes with it. Good day, bad days; people will say good things, good opinions, bad opinions. But at the end of the day, we are playing a game that we love, and we are able to change families lives, and that's all that really matters honestly.
Q. What's the biggest thing you learned this year?
JORDAN POOLE: I learned a lot of stuff. I don't know. I don't know.
Q. Along those lines, how do you block out some of that scrutiny, so to speak, and go about your business? I know on the off-day I saw you out there working out hard like you always do with whoever is available, and just getting back to work. Is that part of it?
Q. Just go to work the next day?
JORDAN POOLE: Yeah, it just comes with it. I was having a conversation with somebody. Like the stuff that we are seeing people say now, whether it's on social media, Instagram, Twitter whatever it, these are the same people that were saying the same things 20 years ago. They just didn't have the outlet. They didn't have the opportunity to; they were just reading newspapers or listening to the radio.
So like I said, it's 2023, and it's what we grew up in, our generation. We've got to adjust, adapt. I feel like we are used to it. They will find something to say about anybody, like Jason Tatum had a rough start in what was it, Game 6, I think, against Philly. Like, what are we talking about? He had a great ending and brought them back, forced a Game 7. So good, bad opinions, it doesn't matter. We are all out here to play hard and try to win games.
Q. You say you're used to it but --
JORDAN POOLE: It more so comes with it.
Q. Some of us are taking heat that -- we didn't have social -- Monty and I when we were young didn't have this kind of stuff, and they go after us, too, but you're a public figure out there in the spotlight trying to entertain. Does it just bounce off? It can't just bounce off all the time, can it?
JORDAN POOLE: I have a really good support system, and I'm a child of God and I have a lot of faith. Being able just to rely on my faith and talk to my supporting cast, it really helps a lot. Like I said it, just comes with it. You find ways to learn, and, like, adapt and grow. Not really much to it.
Q. What do you view as your priorities for this off-season and throughout the summer?
JORDAN POOLE: Just add to my skillset. Whatever that means, watch film, look back, you can always find a way to get better. The summer is always an exciting time to just add to your game. So then I will be looking forward to it.
Q. What was the organization's message to you in your exit interview before coming over here about what they want to see with you?
JORDAN POOLE: Well, not sure I can share that information.
Q. You are known for among other things, as a guy who works their tail off. Is it possible -- can there be overwork? Can there are too much? Can you push yourself too hard? Do you think that's even possible?
JORDAN POOLE: I mean, maybe physically. Like you can run yourself down. But there's always working smarter, not harder. There's always hard work. There are different forms and ways of getting better, whether it's physically, whether it's mentally. Just finding ways to bring the best out of yourself. Obviously you want to work hard and push the limits and really test yourself and see how good you can become but through that there's also working smart and finding other ways to get better.
Q. And you Loon have that Milwaukee connection. Is that part of it? You two sort of motivated each other at times and I know you wanted to play all 82 and follow what he did last year. Also, how proud are you for what he did for you guys in the playoffs and all year?
JORDAN POOLE: I'm extremely happy for Loon. Obviously everybody knows he's like my big brother essentially. Just being able to look up to him and ask him questions and just being able to form the bond that we have over the course of the four years in the locker room, off the court. It's just a natural, genuine connection, and when you have that with somebody, just finding ways to push them competitively, the nature of the spirit, the nature of the game. He was huge for us this year and had an amazing season and he really helped us get to where we are. He definitely deserves all the credit that he's going to get.
Q. Curious, when you sign an extension as you did heading into the year, maybe "pressure" isn't the right word, but do you go through the season saying: I want to prove a point and that you're worth what they just signed you to?
JORDAN POOLE: Are you asking personally or are you asking generally?
Q. Start personally if you feel that way.
JORDAN POOLE: Personally, I always play with an edge. Play with a chip on my shoulder. Finding ways to get better, and not necessarily proving people wrong but just knowing what I'm capable of and trying to reach that night-in, night-out.
Q. When you say you want to add to your skillset, what things do you think you can add and are focusing on adding as you look into the summer that way?
JORDAN POOLE: There are so many things that you can always add to your game. Probably sit down, evaluate, think what's best. That's what the summer's for. Wish I had answers for you but I don't.
FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports