Golden State Warriors Media Conference

Thursday, June 29, 2023

San Francisco, California, USA

Gui Santos

Media Conference

Q. What would you say you've learned about yourself over the last year?

GUI SANTOS: About myself, last year was really, really an adapting year, especially coming from a whole different basketball. I have to learn -- actually I have to learn how to play basketball from zero because here the game is way different, but now I'm adapting myself to play this game, so I feel like more confident and ready to play because last year I have a lot of learning from the coach, from the guys that have been playing this league for a long time.

Q. After having to relearn and reacclimate, what are your goals for this Summer League and even beyond that?

GUI SANTOS: Yeah, my goals for this Summer League is basically the same I have for everything that I do in my life. I just want to show the best of me. I want to show the best player that I can bring to the court. I want to show how I can be the best teammate and how I can help the team to win games. That's the most important thing for me, to show them that I'm ready. If you need guys me, I'm going to be here to help you guys to win games. That's what really matters.

Q. What kind of product are you using in your hair?

GUI SANTOS: My hair is just wet right now. (Laughs).

Q. You said you had to relearn how to play basketball from zero, but even with that, you had pretty great success last year down there in Santa Cruz. With that in mind, what kind of confidence does that give you to continue to make this transition to the NBA level?

GUI SANTOS: Yeah, I feel that now I really know what I have to do. Now the last season I learned what I actually need to do to bring to the court. To be on the court, you don't have to be the highest scorer or do points every possession. You've got to be the guy that you can help your team to look good. Sometimes you can just cut and give a wide-open shot for your teammate.

Last year was the year that I learned a lot about what I have to do on the court, and that give me a lot more confidence to go to the game and do whatever I need to do to help the team.

Q. You've mentioned a couple times having to adapt and obviously had that season with Santa Cruz Warriors under your belt. Coming into practice did you feel ahead of the curve?

GUI SANTOS: Yeah, I feel really comfortable. I was talking to some coach about the difference between when I got here last year, I was like really lost. I have no idea what to do on the court because a lot of things went on at the same time.

But now I'm used to it, so I know like what spot I have to be, when I have to help, when I don't have to help. So that makes me feel way better.

Q. Where has your game improved the most in the last year, and what's one part of your game that you really want to improve in Summer League this year, as well?

GUI SANTOS: I can say like my game, everything has a little bit like improved. But one thing I think that was the most improved thing that I had last year was my body. Was not in the game. But in the game, you asked me in the game, but I think the game was like consistent shooting was one of the things that I most got better last year.

But if you ask me like the point that I most grow last year, it was my body, yeah, working hard to put some weight on, to be ready, because the guys here, the game is so physical, so I have to work hard to be ready to hold this game.

Q. You mentioned the familiarity you have with the organization, just the Warriors, having been in Santa Cruz and playing in Summer League last year. Do you feel a little bit like a veteran amongst players who -- I think you and Lester are the guys who have been with this team --

GUI SANTOS: Yeah, that's a good question because I was feeling that today. They were explaining how the Warriors play and what we need to do on the court and all that, and I was like, I already know that. Like I have been doing that the whole year, the whole last year. So I kind of feel like a vet right now.

Q. Body-wise, it looks like you have added muscle. Have you added any weight, muscle? How would you describe that advancement with your training and everything?

GUI SANTOS: Yeah, I think when I got here last year, I was weighing like 205, and now I'm 220. Last year I was really, really working hard with that, with the coach, strength coach in Santa Cruz, so after the game he was calling me like Gui, you've got to lift after the game, so I got like a hard lift after every game to make these results.

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