Q. How do you view your season here?
DARIO SARIC: I mean, for me obviously it was really good season, beginning of the year, beginning of the season. I got some time to be on the court, be able to help the team to get some minutes, to be able to stay on the court and produce some good things. From there, I don't know, I would guess after All-Star break, kind of like season didn't go perfect for me. I couldn't find my time on the court. I wasn't really part of the rotation. That's how things played out for me. I don't know, it's still kind of everything still fresh to me to really make a, you know, kind of like process like thinking about how the season went. But, at the beginning of the season I didn't expect things would go this way for me, but that's kind of basketball. Sometimes doors open for you, sometimes doors close for you. That's how it is. I can't be mad or whatever, but that's the situation, it's not going to change the fact.
Q. What do you want this summer? What's your priority as you look towards your next step?
DARIO SARIC: I don't know, really, it's an early question for me. I know I have like national team this summer. Try to stay ready and get ready for that. We have a pre-qualify years for Olympics. Try to stay healthy and ready for that and go from there. Get some time now and think, you know, what's the next for me for next season, too, in the club level.
Q. Coach Kerr was telling me a few weeks ago that he thought that when you guys loss Deki it effected everybody, especially you and Loon. How hard has it been since he's been gone for you?
DARIO SARIC: I mean, obviously it's been hard for all of us to have kind of like that situation happen in the middle of the season when nobody didn't expect surprise, especially big guys who were like connected with him who are kind of like working out with him every day, and he was that guy who really kind of like was honest with us and give us perspective on what's going to go in the next game, what's going to go in next practice, what's the plan, and what's the team's view on situation on court and minutes time, rotation-wise. I think we didn't really have that kind of info, you know, after that. It's been really tough for us to kind of handle all those kind of things. It was tough for everybody. But I think like Loon and I, like we be professionals and I think we kind of like put that on the side and tried to focus on our game and our things, you know, how we impact the team. It's tough, and it was tough, but I think we are professionals, we are 30-years-old people, so we can kind of like, you know, go from there and handle that. So it's been touch for all of us at the end of the day.
Q. Do you consider playing for the national team this summer kind of like an opportunity to keep the NBA door open for you?
DARIO SARIC: No. No. Really my focus is just on national team to have like better situation to help the Croatian basketball if we can, if we can go in the next round. I never really put in the same pot my club career and my national team career, it's two separate things for me. I'm always, if I'm healthy I'm always going to play for national team until they need me, until somebody younger and better comes. So, I don't see that kind of like fighting me for a NBA contract.
Q. You think there's any chance that you come back here or just considering playing time all that it's, it would probably be elsewhere next year?
DARIO SARIC: Tough question. Tough question. What I say, I had a great experience beginning of the season, things go kind of like south a little bit for me, you know, but that's professional sport. People sometimes see, have a different views, but you try to be professional, bring that kind of edge as much as you can every practice, everything you do for the team, so tough question right now, I think. Still kind of everything is still fresh for us. But, yeah, we will see.
FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports