Golden State Warriors Media Conference

Wednesday, April 17, 2024

San Francisco, California, USA

Moses Moody

Media Conference

Q. How frustrating was this season for you from just a role fluctuation standpoint?

MOSES MOODY: Frustrating wouldn't be the word I would use to describe it. It's a journey. Just like any other journey, going to be highs and lows, going to be adversity. So, just perspective dealing with everything.

Q. Do you feel like you kind of know what your role is with this team and into the future or is this something you kind of need to figure out this summer still like where you fit in on this team?

MOSES MOODY: You know, yeah, figuring out what it is in the future and what it's been is something that's still got to figure out, yeah.

Q. How much would you, I mean, not necessarily a guarantee a roster spot or anything like that, or a rotation spot, but I mean how much do you view your needing to be somewhere where you are playing on a nightly basis?

MOSES MOODY: Just with this being such a competitive and difficult job you can't really predict the future. You can't be promised too much in this game. So, just giving yourself the best chance would be the best route to go.

Q. Moses, could you talk about what playing with Klay and watching Klay has meant to you or done for you?

MOSES MOODY: Yeah, it's been, Klay is somebody I've been watching since I was a kid, when I was young. So then to be able to grow up watching him and then be in the locker room with 'em, chilling on the boat with him, he's a really, really solid dude. You can learn a lot from somebody like that.

Q. What -- obviously last night was disappointing in a team context. How much do you feel like -- I mean, you seemed very ready for the moment. It was a big game, and as you've shown before, you were ready for it, but how much did you sort of, how important is it that that was sort of the parting image and that you sort of reminded the team, the fans, whatever, that you're ready to sort of contribute at that level?

MOSES MOODY: Yeah, I mean, that's kind of been the story line all year, you know, not knowing how much playing time I'm going to get. Like I wasn't in the rotation going into the game, and I get called on to perform. So it's just more of the same, kind of. Glad to be able to do it on that stage at that time, which yeah, that's just been part of the journey so far.

Q. In your conversations with the coaches today and in general, what was kind of the message that they had for you in terms of what you need to improve this summer and what you need to improve to get that consistent role?

MOSES MOODY: Becoming, getting the shot off faster, that was something that was said. Really, a lot of it is situational, I feel like, so just being able to get that consistent time, having a defined role and knowing what that is and understanding that will I think be the biggest part.

Q. How good do you feel about your game overall though in exiting year three?

MOSES MOODY: Yeah, I feel really good about it. If I get to listening to other people then you can kind of feel like it's a cycle to where like, oh, you don't play, you play good, you don't play, but that's kind of, that can be frustrating if you looking at it like that, but that's through other people's lens. I've done something myself that to where I now don't really look at things through other people's perspective and understand it for myself and see the growth that I've made each year. I've spent a lot of time in the G League my first year, and not a lot of time on the court, stretches of not playing well. The next year I went to the G twice, had some really good stretches early on and later on, a lot of those, like in the middle, I kind of let the situation stifle me to a point to where I wasn't as confident in what I had going on, but it was still, I was able to figure out and get through it. So that was a good year. But then this year I feel like I was solid all the way through. The situation was what it was at times. There were things I can't control. But whenever I got the opportunity to play I feel like I played well the. I had to figure some things out through out the season that made me better and more consistent later on. But mentally I feel like this is the best that I've been so far and physically on the court. I've scored more, percentages or whatever, those been solid. So, just realizing that for myself and realizing that there is, it has been progress and not being listening to everybody else and thinking that I'm running on the treadmill.

Q. How would you describe your experience with Chris Paul maybe compared to your pre-season expectations of being teammates with him?

MOSES MOODY: Yeah, Chris is another guy that I've been watching longer than I've been watching Klay, you know (smiling) playing on the video game with him. You always hear so many good things about Chris Paul and the person that he is and the teammate that he is from other people, but it's different when you get the opportunity to experience it for yourself. When it comes to teaching you about the game, talking about the game, he's always going to talk about basketball, but not even just that, I mean he was on the boat, too, just kicking it, talking about whatever. The stuff that he's got going on with his own foundation and his business ventures, he's got so much things going on that I could learn from, and he's never slow to reach out and teach, so he had the thing where he was talking about me being able to deal with adversity or whatever it was, but I think that's just a case of real recognize real. He, I feel like not all celebrities, not all Hall of Famers could deal with having a lesser role. Like, I feel like if Chris Paul was in my situation, he would be able to deal with it, too, and that's not, that's not something you could say about every Hall of Famer. Just the mentality that he has, he had to take a lesser role this year for this team, too, you know, that's, it had to be tough on him. But the person he was every day walking into work was professional. He was able to make the best out of it, so I got a lot of respect for Chris.

Q. What was going on on the boat? Like, what was happening?

MOSES MOODY: It was really just going to work. We had a game that day, so we went over to Oakland, got on the boat with Klay. He showed us how to drive it. We really were just chilling, embracing the open sea.

Q. Are you a boat guy?

MOSES MOODY: I am now. (Laughing).

Q. Big picture, how do you want to remember this season?

MOSES MOODY: The biggest thing that I take from this season is the team. This is a special team through and through from Cory Jo to Jerome, Loon, Steph, like everybody has so many different situations going on. It was just the atmosphere that we had every day in practice, on the bus, at dinners, like it was just a really good group of young men together striving for a goal. Having adversity, if you had this a great group of people and y'all were just sitting in a room every day you don't really get to experience how good of people that you're dealing with. But when you are going through adversity and things get hard, times get hard, y'all get tired of each other, and the way that people combat adversity you can watch and take things from other people. Like we went through a whole journey together, and with solid dudes, so that's what I'll take from this year. That's why it didn't turn out the way that we wanted it to, but it felt like this could have been a special year just because of that.

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