Golden State Warriors Media Conference

Wednesday, April 17, 2024

San Francisco, California, USA

Jerome Robinson

Media Conference

Q. How do you view this season for yourself personally?

JEROME ROBINSON: For myself? A lot of growth. A lot of growth. Feels good, at the end of the day, to get through a full season. In my career I've been banged up a bit, so just staying on top of that and learning a lot from some of the greatest people to be around and grow.

Q. If I have this right you're no longer two-way eligible?


Q. How do you view your future, potentially here, but also just league-wide?

JEROME ROBINSON: Yeah, I mean, I think I can or I know that I'm a NBA player and so at the end of the day I kind of got to lead with that first and just kind of stay ready for anything. I think I am in a great spot here to help them build and keep that chemistry going, but whatever happens, happens and kind of go from there.

Q. What are some things that you picked up just from being around players like Steph and Klay and CP and Draymond?

JEROME ROBINSON: Yeah, I would say their passion. I don't think you can be as good as you are or as good as them without being passionate and having the love of the game that they do. You could see that the genuine joy when they walk into the building, when they see each other, when they play with each other. It's a blast, like just being in the room with those guys and having the conversation and just to see what they think on a day-to-day and apply to your life, because I have so much left, so much left in my career.

Q. What does your off-season look like just in terms of what you want to work on, what you want to improve on?

JEROME ROBINSON: I think just going into the off-season it's getting better at everything. I think I'm no Steph Curry or Klay Thompson, so it's how can I reach that level. So I think also being around them allows you to kind of re-spark that drive of like greatness. You see 'em in front of you, they're a human being like you're a human being and so it allows you to be hungry going into the off-season.

Q. What do you think of the two rookies, BP and Trayce and the impact they made, and it's been awhile since rookies sort of had an impact right away the way they have. You've been around the League awhile, what do you think about their games and their futures?

JEROME ROBINSON: Oh, great. They were great rookies, man. Their energy, it's funny, they're both lefties, because they act like lefties. So, just having that like that chemistry with those young guys and seeing them strive or take those strides as the season goes along, seeing BP how he responded, seeing how Trayce responded. I thought they were great, man, and I think they're going to have a bright future.

Q. Can you share any examples of them being lefties or acting like lefties?

JEROME ROBINSON: Do you know a lefty?

Q. I do.

JEROME ROBINSON: Are you a lefty?

Q. I'm not.


Q. My sister is though.

JEROME ROBINSON: Let me see. Oh, they both got a little bit of a hard head, but in a good way. It's like so, like it's just genuine. I have, my brother closest to me is a lefty, so like I can see little brother in them all the time, and it doesn't drive me crazy, but it makes me love them more, put it that way.

Q. Brandin in particular came in with a unique confidence for a rookie. How did that -- sounds like he made it work. Steve's talked about how his teammates, older teammates such as yourself respected him, but he was still able to sort of be brash the way he is and fit in. Why was he able to make that work, because that's not normal, I would think.

JEROME ROBINSON: Yeah, I would just say being him, honestly. Because it wasn't like, you know, him being him wasn't like a bad person, you know what I mean. You see the good in Brandin. You see his joy and how much of a kid he is, right. That shows you, at the end of the day, like basketball is a child's game. Like, we started playing this at four or five years old, right, so if you have that genuine joy, right, and honesty as he is, like, it's contagious, one, but it also fuels the team. So Brandin was great as far as him being him.

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