Q. This was a matchup that was rescheduled, postponed, due to Kobe's passing. Wanted to get your thoughts and kind of what are you anticipating from Thursday's matchup?
LANDRY SHAMET: I don't know. I'm more worried about us just preparing for the game, and really, preparing for the eight games. So we've had a lot of guys missing practices and things like that, but come game time, we'll be ready.
I don't think it's going to vary much from the last three games that we've played them. All three games, well played. I enjoyed two of them. Didn't like one of them.
You know, each game there have been adjustments that have been made by both teams, so I think we just keep learning each other more and more.
Q. Before these scrimmage matches began, you said you were more concerned with getting better than you were with winning. Do you feel the team has gotten better since picking things back up last week, and if you do, how so?
LANDRY SHAMET: I don't know if we've gotten better. We've had, again, we've had a lot of disruption in our camp, and not intentionally. Just has happened. And so you know, the guys that have been here have definitely gotten better. You know, we've had a long time together. You don't usually get this. You get three and four days for camp. You know, it's rare that coaches can get their hands on their players for two weeks, in two-plus weeks.
So the guys that are here are definitely better in the execution department, is what I would say.
Q. You mentioned yesterday the league has given you a variety of practice schedules. My question to you is about your specific preparation for pregames or practice. Does that routine change? Has it changed, being in the bubble versus being at home or on the road?
LANDRY SHAMET: Not really. I mean, coaches do what coaches do. It was funny, I was talking to a couple other coaches yesterday about that and we were laughing, like for us, this is a normal day. You practice, you watch film, you prepare for practice the next day. You do long-term game planning, and then you go to sleep. Same as our day when we're back in L.A. or here in the bubble. So I think the least affected group are probably us.
Q. This weekend was 100 days till the election. How important is it that people vote?
LANDRY SHAMET: Oh, my gosh, it's vital. First of all, it's our right. And the fact that there's so much voter suppression going on with blacks and Latinos, and really, young people, tells you how important voting is.
So I'm not going to tell you who to vote for. I have my opinions that you all know. But I just urge everyone to vote. Exercise that right we have fought so hard. John Lewis, who we're having his memorials and his funerals over the next couple days, is the one who got it on the ticket, and so we need to honor him.
Q. Curious, you mentioned your coaches. When you have a championship pedigree coach like Ty on your staff, what does he bring to you guys, and what would he bring to, I guess, any other team if he is fortunate to get another shot to be in the head chair?
LANDRY SHAMET: Yeah, it's shocking he doesn't have another job. I mean, how many guys who have won titles are not coaching, is a better question. He clearly should be a head coach.
You know, but for me, the fact that I've coached Ty; the fact that he's been on my bench, and watching him now, the difference in him is absolutely stunning.
No, it's amazing. When you go from an assistant coach to a head coach, how much you grow, how better you get. This version of Ty has been absolutely wonderful for me, personally. He's just such a smart, smart mind, and he has amazing people skills. And so for us, it's been invaluable.
Q. How eager are you to see how Landry looks, and obviously you stayed in touch over the break, but what do you think about his preparation before he got here?
LANDRY SHAMET: Yeah, he did all the things that he needed to do, you know, with the running and just trying to stay in the best condition that he could.
But it's impossible. I mean, think about it. Landry has been off for three months, and now he's going to practice the next two practice and we're going to throw him into an NBA real game. That's asking a lot.
So I'm in no hurry with Landry. I'm going to be patient. If he plays great, great. If he doesn't, that's fine, too. We have some time before the playoffs. That's the good news and that's the way we're going to view it.
Q. There had been some reporting over the weekend that when the anthem is played, players would like to demonstrate and show support in that manner. As a coach, I know you had the Coaches for Racial Justice pins; is there any other way you plan to demonstrate for #BlackLivesMatter, etc., when the seeding games begin?
LANDRY SHAMET: I know, I really believe this, and I believe this for all of us what I call "old folks." We need to follow the youth on this movement. We need to follow what they want to do and listen to what they want to do and say, and then follow them. And so as a coach, I'm going to do that. I'm going to let my players lead, and I'll follow.
FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports