Q. Amir, when we talked last month about your reaction to everything that happened in Minneapolis with George Floyd, you mentioned really wanting to kind of use your voice to lend a spotlight to social justice issues. I guess given the NBA's focus on it, do you feel like the measures the NBA and the union have taken are enough, and are you going to wear something on your jersey? What do you think of the spotlight you guys can shine on it in Orlando?
AMIR COFFEY: I think we have a pretty good spotlight here. The NBA is working with the players and just keeping the dialogue open, asking what we can do, asking what we want to happen. They're definitely working with us on it. Even a thing like the jerseys, I know a couple guys on our team are going to have some messages on there. Just small things like that and continuing the conversation about it.
Q. Amir, just to follow up, why do you think the George Floyd murder had such a profound impact on the world as compared to Trayvon Martin, Eric Garner, Breonna Taylor, Michael Brown? What's your thoughts on that?
AMIR COFFEY: I wouldn't say it had a bigger impact, but just I think at that point people were fed up, and it kind of just sparked the outrage at that point in time. But it wasn't a bigger impact. Every life lost that's happened as far has been the same. There's been an outpouring for everybody. This one was just nationwide outcry, and it was just the media covered it more than any of the other ones.
Q. Amir, Reg was talking a little bit about the group text chat that you guys got going on and how that's helped you stay closer in the hiatus and even here during quarantine. How active are you on that and what are the guys saying to each other to keep you going, especially Pat? I hear Pat Bev is really good in there.
AMIR COFFEY: Oh, it's just a group chat. We're talking daily about anything, just running things by each other, keeping close and just getting that team chemistry going.
FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports