Los Angeles Clippers Media Conference

Sunday, August 16, 2020

Los Angeles, California, USA

JaMychal Green

Press Conference

Q. A couple weeks ago we were talking to you and you said you had gone back and watched some of the film on that series last year with the Warriors. I'm curious, you were trying to get back to that level. Did you feel like you got back to that in the season games and where do you feel like you're at right now?

JaMYCHAL GREEN: Yeah, in the season I think I've been doing a good job knocking down shots and sticking to my role, being that glue guy, just bringing that energy.

Q. Obviously this wait has been so unfortunate for a lot of reasons, but is there kind of a silver lining for the team getting so much time to come together through all these circumstances?

JaMYCHAL GREEN: You know, as a team we've been facing a lot of adversity being in the bubble. This kind of brings us closer as a team. Trez has finished his last day in quarantine, so he'll be back with us tomorrow. We're looking forward to that. We're just trying to take it one step at a time, one game at a time and just be professionals.

Q. How is Trez doing? And I know you're a big family guy. Are you going to have family members come into the bubble with you?

JaMYCHAL GREEN: Trez is doing good. He's ready to come back with the team. You know, we're mad about the days he got, but there's nothing we can do about that but continue to move forward and get to that championship. That's the goal.

And with the family, yeah, I've got my visit squared away with my family on that, and I'm looking forward to seeing them.

Q. Doc had mentioned that the team has had such increased confidence in Zu at from last year to this year. Is that something you've seen?

JaMYCHAL GREEN: I have. I've seen it in Zu himself. His hands are a lot better. He's catching everything that's thrown his way. He's finishing with his right and left hook. He's unstoppable right now, and we're going to need him to continue to play that way.

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